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Mixing gas

Dec 1, 2006
Somewhere in the Pinelands of NJ
Maybe this has been discussed already. Has anyone had any issues with E-10 or E-85 gas? Out here in NJ, we have boats on top of each other with engine and intake problems due to E-10 fuel. My father-in-law went through 2 Yamaha outboard top ends in 2 years. This was on a brand new motor. Yamaha sent him a letter that says that by next year, all motors currently in service will NOT be usable! This is B.S. Now for the snowmobile related issue. Seems this ethanol gas will not mix with conventional gas, after about 1 month, it turns to gel. Also, the ethanol draws moisture out of the air into the fuel tanks. I am concerned about leaving this gas in my tank for any length of time. Don't laugh at this post, there is a big problem here on the east coast. :o|

There's a high oxygen concentration in E10 fuel, so carburated engines may run LEAN. That being the case, stock jetting may cause engines to burn down. Increase jetting until plugs are nice brown color. If the engine is FI, it may need to be reprogrammed to increase fuel.

Possible intake and fuel system problems can result due to HIGHER VAPOR PRESSURE, and ethyl alcohol can eat up certain plastics.

E85, being up to 85% ethyl alcohol, causes worse.
So, there is really ONE THING that can cause an engine to grenade when running on ethanol.... LEAN MIX.

This can be caused by TWO THINGS; 1) insufficient fuel being given per air volume, 2) plugged up fuel system.

This is what you should do; clean everything out real good, put on a real good filter, and rejet. Should be fine then.
OK, so now my question is what if you have E-whatever in your tank and you go to Canada. If I'm not mistaken, they don't have ethanol blend. Now you come back and want to ride, now do you have to drain everything? #$%&*
Guess that solves that issue. Didn't know they had 10% up there and didn't realize you lived up there. Conditions finally came around up there, eh? Will be heading to Gaspe` in 2 weeks. Was supposed to go to Saguenay this week but the wife had surgery. Lousy timing! :ORC
We've been stuck with 10% Ethanol in parts of Wisconsin for 10+ years. I've run cars, trucks, motorcycles, ATVs, 2 stroke dirt bikes, chainsaws, and sleds on it. No real problems, nothing has burned up.
"Real" gas mixes fine with it, since it is a BLEND of Ethanol and gas in the first place.
The only issue I have with it, besides the reduction in fuel milage, is that it turns to junk much faster than "real" gas.
E-85 is a whole different animal.

Contains about 27% less energy, requires WAY more fuel delivery.
Also, it's about 106 octane, so timing can be advanced to maximize power.

E-85/normal gas compatible engines need to be EFI, unless you're REAL handy with jets and a timing light.
Jetting isn't an issue unless you have leaned the jetting down already.

Ethanol is not NEARLY as big a problem as methanol.

Methanol is the "MTBE" you had on the east coast.

Ethanol leans jetting down NO MORE than about 1/2 a jet size. My 2-stroke actually runs better just because its jetted rich with the stock jetting.

Hope this helps.

