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Mtn Lite Break In


Feb 1, 2006
Reaction score
Halifax, Nova Scotia
How are you guys finding the break in period of the Mtn Lite. I just took a run around the field and 8000 RPM equals about 28km/h. That sounds like a lot of slow riding.
yeah it kinda hurts to run the mtn lite so slow..
I was out today, we were breaking trail
and just scoping the entire riding area out for the season
(snow is still low) but I got enough chance to open it up here
and there... broke 50 miles on the ODO today.. :)
its very hard to keep it under 8k.. especially riding any sort of fresh snow up hill or powder. i noticed yesterday to keep up with my buddy i had to run at least 8200k rpm going down a groomed trail to keep at 25-30mph

i guess you could say i've broken my mtn lite in how i plan to ride it and followed the instruction manual break-in suggestions as best as possible.
