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My thought after riding the Apex/Attack


Sep 20, 2004
Got to do a little running on an Apex this weekend. I must say I was impressed with the overall feel. It didn't feel like it had any more power than my 05 RX-1 with the ECP (I have studs and the Apex doesn't so it was hard to compare, also my ECP kit already gives me instant power like the FI adds).

Apex handled considerably better than the Attack on the tight trails (to be expected) With the Warriors I thought they handled just about as good as the RX1's.

I was expecting it to feel more like the Firecat because of the new ergos - it does to a lesser degree and doesn't seem to bounce around as much as the f-cats (I am sure the weight has a little to do with that). I was riding RX-1's at the same time and wanted to get an idea if the Apex was tippier in the corners, it is maybe just a hair tippier than the RX-1 but not like the Revs and F-cats that I have ridden. We were on mostly rougher trails with bumps through the corners and the Apex felt very very good. I would like a chance to ride it on the high speed trails pushing 80-100+ to have a better idea of stability but we didn't get that opportunity.

We raced the Attack (longer track) vs the 05 Rx-1 on the lake - 2" of fresh stuff on top the harder pack. Even out of the whole and then even all the way to the top. I was expecting the Attack to take the lead at the start and lose a little at the top but the extra HP from the 06 must have kept it up at the top (just suprised with the longer track and extra HP it didn't lead out of the hole). Never got a chance to race the Apex vs the 05.

Talking to the Yami dealer there helping with the test rides- he told me the 06's have 10 HP over my 05 and they they will do 133 mph - I started laughing and said maybe on the speedo and he kind of chuckled back. I think he really believed that though! He went on to quote some ridiculous stock numbers at a radar run. I was always under the impression that Yami claimed 145HP on the 05's but maybe I am wrong.

Anyways - I was impressed with the Apex and assuming it has good high speed stability I'd have to consider one over my 05RX. The tall seat detracts from the looks and the wind protection is brutal. They still have the thumbwarmer controls on the right side which makes little sense. But hey - they did give the 06's grease zerks!

How many miles are on the Attak? I would assume the reason your 05 stayed with the Attak in the race was due to your mods. I would also assume the 150 FI wasn't loose yet. I do find it interesting that you noticed that much of a difference in handling between the Apex and Attak. Every other report I have read find them very close with a few reporting they didn't feel any differences :?
kenlacy, How big are you?

This is the first report I've read that wasn't very happy with the power, handling & being tippy is a bid time first!!!

Whats up with you???

I found the same results when I ran to . All pretty even with the attak and the warrior ahead of the apex I was running. Ken did they let you run it in the woods hard like we did. We had 5 guys and a woman in our group and she drove really hard. Fun time. I found your test was about like mine. Did you have a problem seeing the speedo from sitting higher . I noticed a different look at them than my rx1.
150, Sounds like he's anti-Yamaha just a little to me!!!

I think its all BS!!!

I've talked with many at 2 shows & everyone says the handling is second to nobody!!!

TO THE NEXT TOPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We ran in the woods most of the time. When I was on the Apex I was 1st in line behind the lead guy - we ran pretty hard but he was on a 2-up (he handled it very well) so we weren't to the edge.

I didn't really look at the guages at all.
He rode real good coming out of the woods he hit a couple of them moguls real hard . We were there around noon to !:00. Glad I got to try them. We let the lead guy go ahead a ways and my buddy and me raced against each other with the warrior ahead then theattak and me on the apex er but I weigh 50 lbs heavier than the other guys . All pretty close.
Woodtic - we were there around the same time and it is possible the woman that was in your group was with us. She has over 4500 miles on her warrior this year and she has no problem keeping up with a lot of us overly aggressive drivers :)
Thats the group we were in and I was the big guy in the blue coat . The guy that was with her me and him went at it in the trail and he got by me when he was on the attak and I was on the red rx1. lol on that ride good time I almost wanted to go again with tha t group. Maybe I see you up there sometime we stay by curtis when we go up there.
Her daughter is Lissa Toncray she raced womens snowcross for sometime - kinda gives you an idea of where Lissa got her riding style! (and the guy you were riding with was her dad and he also races sprint cars)
