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New RS Venture Owner


Oct 22, 2011
P.A. Saskatchewan
Brought home a new 2011 RS Venture this week. Should be a great sled. Looking forward to the snow coming and getting this thing out on and off the trails. Any tips or things I should know about this sled before taking it out?

This is my 1st 4 stroke sled.

I found mine tippy from the start mine is a 2011 also. I am going to be backing off the compression on the front shocks almost all off and see how it rides like that. I lost a couple a wheel caps on mine as well so keep an eye out for that and change your oil after the first 800 kms. Enjoy its a great sled with great gas milage and no stinky smoke. Welcome to the site! ;)!
MIne is also a 2011 and found it VERY tippy. I backed the front track shock nearly 3/4 of the way and WOW what a nice ride!!
Got some here was out 1 time then the big Melt:( waiting for more white stuff now
I have the 09 and I played around with the compression / rebounds on the front shocks and put sno-tackers on it , it helped with the tippiness big time , i now have it were it works best and Ive never changed it again

I have a 2010. I bumped up the spring compression on the front shocks. This keeps the front end up on the outside shock as you turn. If the compression is too soft in will dive as the shock is compressing too much.

The front spring under your track is where you can adjust the pressure on your skis. Stiffin that shock and you will get less pressure on the skis for easier steering or less compression for more bite.

Play around with the suspension and you will be able to dial it in for your own personal taste.

Have fun.
I have a 2010, and I also backed off the front skid spring. Only got out once but it seems to still ride a little harsh with 2up. I backed it off to about 1/4 so we will see what that does.
Okay guys we too are newbies with a 2011 RS Venture.

Had our first ride this weekend. As above a little tippy. You guys mention backing off the front shocks and DW mentioned backing off the front track shock.

As a newbie I don't want to "dick around" too much but I would like to stabalize it a bit. I'm 250lbs and my wife Tess is 104lbs on the back.

Can you guys take me through slowly how to I guess stifffen the front so it doesn't want to dive into the corners so much and perhaps steer a little smoother.

I also need to soften the back up as Tess being so light feels most of the bumps.
It set to factory settings right now.
DaveTess said:
Okay guys we too are newbies with a 2011 RS Venture.

Had our first ride this weekend. As above a little tippy. You guys mention backing off the front shocks and DW mentioned backing off the front track shock.

As a newbie I don't want to "dick around" too much but I would like to stabalize it a bit. I'm 250lbs and my wife Tess is 104lbs on the back.

Can you guys take me through slowly how to I guess stifffen the front so it doesn't want to dive into the corners so much and perhaps steer a little smoother.

I also need to soften the back up as Tess being so light feels most of the bumps.
It set to factory settings right now.

It should all be in your owners manual and as new owners I suggest you read it lots of good info in there. For the back suspension there are too torsion bars and a white set block that you can turn with a 1/4 drive on each side. The more tension the harder the ride. The front shocks you just turn the bottom set plate its threaded I put more tension on the spring so its not so saggy and it helped the tippyness lots. Make sure your adjustment are equal on each side front and rear. Go for a ride and make one adjustment at a time so you know what each adjustment does to your ride. Have fun its not that hard really.
I am hoping to add a few more km this coming weekend. I am wondering about that set block that is on each side of the sled. Is this difficult to turn? Do I just back off the nut and adjust?
There are two blocks on the rear that can be adjusted. The triangle one has light, medium, and heavy. You just use the wrench kit in the tool box to turn it. No bolts to loosen. The other block is a 2up adjustment that you turn up to the spring. Pull on the lock pin and use the same wrench to turn it. No bolt to loosen. You will have to play with the settings until you find the right combination that gives you the ride you want. I still havn't got mine set right, but no snow here to test it.Hope this helps.
oldguy2 said:
There are two blocks on the rear that can be adjusted. The triangle one has light, medium, and heavy. You just use the wrench kit in the tool box to turn it. No bolts to loosen. The other block is a 2up adjustment that you turn up to the spring. Pull on the lock pin and use the same wrench to turn it. No bolt to loosen. You will have to play with the settings until you find the right combination that gives you the ride you want. I still havn't got mine set right, but no snow here to test it.Hope this helps.

Thanks Have some riding planned the next 2 weekends so I will try some of these adjustments out.
Well, I seem to have the suspension set close.My wife and I together are about 330 lb.( I won't mention how much each of us weighs) The ski shocks are about center, the front track shock is backed off to about 3 threads left, The 2up block is up, and the triangle block is on soft. It seems to be perfect. Lighter steering but will still turn. I did install dual 4" carbides. We will find out on the 4th, poker rally in Kelvington.
