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nytro xtx tunnel protectors


Nov 21, 2011
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Just installed 114 1.45 megabites up the middle on my xtx, just wondering if i should add material to the tunnel protectors?
Yes, if you have an aftermarket exhaust. If your pipe is stock it should be ok, but why take a chance.
That's what I figured, how much should I go 1/4,1/2"? Also do you do the ones on the heat exchanger or just where the exhaust is.
With all that room in the tunnel go as thick as you can. I had an issue with my studs hitting my Excell header. I added abut a 1/4"and it still hit. Then I went nuts and added a lot more, total is probably about an inch. No more hits. As far as the heat exchanger, I didn't do mine and I don't think it's necessary. Take a look at your exchanger you won't see any wear marks on the bars because the track never hits it.
Sounds good, I have stock exhaust so ill probably go 1/2", thanks for the info. Is the skid hard to drop? Just losen the track and remove the bolts holding the skid in? Any tricks or tips.
