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On the Fence 121,128 or 136


Oct 4, 2008
Wyoming,NY (Western NY)
I know this subject has been discussed quite a bit, but I am trying to decide on what to buy. I am leaning for the 136 Freeride from www.tracksusa.com I ride the trails mainly, but the lake effect snows early in the year can mean a fair amount of powder and I do end up off trail quite a bit in steep elevation changes that drift badly for around here. Waist to chest deep powder in spots and riding solo. I know this is nothing for some of you. The wee hours of the night and morning in snow storms can be hairy on your own. I like the idea of the flotation of the 136, especially with the much better Freeride over the stock Ripsaw. For you guys running the 121 Freeride, what do you think, how deep of snow do you get through? I have not burried the Phazer too bad with the stock track this year. I hate to lose any of the sliding the back around and getting through the tight turns, but I also want the deep snow flotation. Bridging the bumps, I could go either way. I also found a Artic Cat 1602-503 (13.5x128x1.375) at a local dealer for $299. They also have the tracksusa rails in stock for $145. Seems like a decent compromise, but I am still leaning to the 136. Any one have any thoughts they want to share? Sorry for the long post.


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No I don't think I lost any power or miliage with the track. I do have an Ulmer clutch kit.My track was a 15" wide track that I cut down on a table saw, Worked out slick. There are a few posts on this , search my name and take a look.
My pics will not load if you want a few send me your E-Mail .

Thanks. I have read your posts and is part of the reason I want to do the 136". I think I am thinking way too hard about this and just need to pull the trigger :)
How does the 136 affect the sled in the turns? I just got new skis which made the sled turn way better. But I am considering the 136 too, and I'm concerned that it will push way too much in the corners with the long track.

I was also wondering what you guys did for tunnel extensions and bumpers? My sled is the base model so I have no reverse, maybe I could get away without a tunnel extension?

I was thinking about the 136 from tracksusa.com with the extensions for $525... smoking deal!

The best way it to search under mine and zakstangs names, or do a search under it.
After two season of riding the Phazer FX. I just got my smoking deal from TrackUSA for the 136 extension. I figured it would help for POW riding and hopefully ride better on the trails also. I still need to address the hard turning of the front end thou.

I figured its cheaper to build what Yamaha should have built for the rough trail sled (crossover) than going out and purchasing another sled.

But it will suck to look at it all summer and waiting to see how it will preform with the 136". Plus I figured it would be easier to sell if I decide to get rid of it.
Thanks for the help guys. Just an update. I finally pulled the trigger and have the 136" and rails on the way. I will probably get around to installing it in the next few weeks. I will post some pictures when I do it. As wayfastkev said, it will be a long wait to next winter to try this out.
I did the same thing,Did it in the summer. I put the cover on mine so I wouldn't have to look at it. Good luck.
