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Phazer GT suspension sagging?

My FX does the same thing, and it seems like the thing just keeps getting softer and softer, and rebounds less. When I first started riding it, I left the torsions on the soft setting, and I now am on the hard setting, and the thing still bottoms out. I only have 1450 miles on the thing, so I wouldn't think the shocks are junk already. By the way I am 180 pounds so the medium setting should have been plenty I would think.

Aaron P.
Yeah, stock torsion springs are crap. They sack out pretty quick. Indy, you can go to FX springs- they will be hard at first, but will loosen up. Aaron, your only choice is to turn up your compression damping clickers on skid. If they're already in all the way, you need revalving. Maybe back off rebound one or two or three clicks to help get full extension.
Rfabro, how do you adjust the rebound in the rear shock? I thought they only had compression damping in the rear, which is turned all the way up on mine. Do you have any idea were I could get these shocks revalved? I have never had any shocks rebuilt before and have no clue were to start looking.

Aaron P.
There is no adjustment for the rebound damping on the rear shock. As you say its only adjusment for compression damping. Turning it clockwise it gets harder visaversa.
You are probably bottoming the front arm. Mine is all set on soft except for center shock almost all the way stiff and I weigh 235lbs. Stock it was on low and bottomed all the time-good now.
In an earlier response, Arron P. says that his FX springs seem to be weakening. I would go to FX springs if they are stronger, if this would help at all.

I did notice that while my torsion springs were set to the high position, my front spring on the skid was on soft, so I increased it a few settings, but it doesn't seem to effect the sagging.

Just looking for suggestions, please!
