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Pick up my brand New Attak Wed., break in method survey?


Feb 7, 2007
Hi all,

I'm relatively new to the board and brand new to Yamaha sleds, ex Polaris man burned BAD by their FST :drink:

From everything I've read here, I think I will be very happy with this sled. What a difference between the topic subjects on this board than on the Polaris boards!!

So I'm wondering What's the best break-in: motman -ride it like you stole it or the owners manual?

I got the 07 Attak (not the GT) with a skid plate and, extra tall windshield, and had him swapped the stock skis with the stock skis from the Apex MTN as a start. I'm thinking of adding the 13 mm stabilizer bar and then waiting until next season for any more mods/upgrades. There are Zero groomed trails in my area, and the season is a half and half mix of DEEP sugar powder for 2 months and hard pack for two months.

I vote motoman also. I broke it in this way and I seem to have a strong running Apex that doesnt burn any oil.

Plus...I would say its more fun breaking it in this way.
Just ride it... DOnt pay any attention to anything.. Just make sure and change the oil at 500 miles along with the filter..
Nice post. I'm wondering the same thing. I pick up my new 07 Attak GT next Sunday up in PA and will be breaking it in up there. With my old sleds (all AC's) I pretty much just ran them and it was fine, no real problems from break in that I could tell anyway's. But having a 4 banger 4 stroke kind of mixes it up a little. Like you, I have read the other threads pertaining to this and still wonder. I am leaning towards what the manual will say though, just because if they can build such a great engine I bet they know what they are talking about when it comes to break in as well. ;)!

Northern Sledder said:
I have read the other threads pertaining to this and still wonder. I am leaning towards what the manual will say though, just because if they can build such a great engine I bet they know what they are talking about when it comes to break in as well. ;)!


I break-in every engine like motoman suggests. I had my own similar version for break-in but it was not as extensive as motomans. Since I read his break-in secrets I've broke-in about 10 engines using his method without any issues what so ever. Auto, bike, boat or sled it doesn’t matter; they always perform great and don't burn any oil. If you do a search you will find only positive posts from those that used motomans procedure and not one post regarding a issue or problem from anyone using his method.
No offense to anyone, but how many times does this topic need to be covered? Although many favor the Motoman method, the consensus will never be 100%. Do a search on the topic and you will find a handful of posts saying the exact same things.
I saw the previous replies, but I'm curious about the oil usage. There's another thread today speaking about a qt of oil per 1000 miles, I'm mostly curious if those who have found they have had to add significant amounts of oil after a 1000 or 2000 miles broke theirs in motoman or manual.

Thanks for the replies. This is a great group. I'm glad I found this forum BEFORE I bought this time!!
You rarely hear of significant oil consumption on Apexes no matter what the break in method. Some of the confusion stems from the fact that people weren't warming their sleds up before checking the oil, and therefore getting false readings. Good luck with the new purchase. You will love it, and you are right, this site is the best!
