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pictures of power outlets

LBB...most that I have seen have been mounted at the same place as where the ign. switch is located but on the opposite side. There is also a Mirror Kit offered by Yamaha that comes with a 12V accessory plug.
I don't have mine on yet and it will probably be a while as I'm heading to Colorado for 2 weeks. I'm considering mounting it under the hood, behind where the headlights are. I've got to check out clearance and how close I'll be to the engine because of heat first though. I'll get a pic once it's on. I think it will be a good spot based on how the plastic is formed there.
hey monker...got my windshield bag yesterday. Wow..pretty heavy duty!

Thanks again.

PS. I will be mounting my GPS next week. I post some pics when I am finished.
Mine is simply hanging out of the handlebar pad. It has heat shrink tube to hide the wires. You barely notice it. May seem crude to some but I find it works best for me because I carry my GPS inside my coat. When I have to bail (leave it alone, Convert :roll: ) it simply unplugs itself without self destructing.

In the space opposite the ignition key, that's where I put the eject button anyway :oops: , so....
if your talking about a power point( to plug in a cell phone or GPS or other accessory)/I put mine in where the ignition switch is now and then moved the ignition switch over to the other side that way when I have to crack the throttle with my right hand I don't have to reach across to use the key/ I did this to the '03 and will be doing it to the Warrior within the next couple of weeks/ when I do I'll post a picture/ note: I purchased an after market power point with a cover that is spring loaded to keep it shut when not in use/ this keeps the snow etc. out of it/ if you use the style that just has the snap on cap it will pop off now and then and you'll get crap in it/ later
I put mine under the hood in the area below the head light. I ran my wires right off the battery and followed the stock wiring to the guage pod. I will try and post a picture later.
As for starting my machine I've master the art of turning the key and taping the throttle with my forearm.
