Post your Yamaha Nytro XTX

lammarwell said:
It sure is a lot of work. A black tunnel on the XTX would look real nice.

Could you share the secret of making a tunnel shine like yours?
Elbow grease :exc:

I was doing a couple tests on my tunnel the other night. took a red scotch brite pad and brake clean and went in back and forth motions to clean and get any marks off tunnel. then just took some mothers polish i had and did a couple spots. looks pretty good. I would say if you had a powerball would work pretty good with a good polish. Mothers is good, i know there are some others out there

1. Wash tunnel with dish soap, rinse and dry

2. wet sand with 1000grit, then 1500 grit , then 2000 grit

3. repeat #1

4. Polish with Powerball (small one) and either Autosol or better yet Busch polish x 3, wiping with CLEAN flannel cloth in between until your arms almost fall off!

5. Apply your favorite wax to help maintain finish and repel water

6. sit back and enjoy the shine with your favorite beverage!
:drink: :drink: :drink:

After the initial polish it is a lot less work maintaining it. Touch up with 2000 grit if really scratched, followed by the polish everywhere. I usually only do it once a year at the start of the season. I really didn't spend that much time on it this year compared to last year (initial polish).
Well worth the effort If you have the time.
Good luck!
I almost forgot...It is a lot easier if you remove the seat, taillight and plastic parts as saves you from having to work around them/taping them off and you end up with a better job in the end.
lammarwell - did you do your foot wells also or leave them? - also, what do you guys use to clean the black residued towels when you polish aluminum? - I've heard that trisodium phosphate in a pail of water works - anybody know or try it?
I used a little Alcohol mixed with water and a lot of towels to clean off the black residue. You could also use a metal cleaner or maybe even windex. I did the foot board section a little bit but could have buffed it more for a better shine. The small power ball works fairly well and if you are careful you don't rip it apart too much.
Here are some updated pice of the RSI risor and handlebars I installed.




Your Sled looks sweet Billy, but that must be a new 2010 warning sticker on the tank, cause my 09 didnt come with one!!
Sno-Xr said:
Your Sled looks sweet Billy, but that must be a new 2010 warning sticker on the tank, cause my 09 didnt come with one!!

LOL. Its a novelty sticker that I picked upat the Edmonton Sled Show. It says "Warning This Sled makes Frequent Stops" There was however, a stock sticker there that I removed. :4STroke:
Here is mine.

New RSI grips from Yamaha, Slydog Race Skis with Bergstrom 6" triple points, Tall windshield with side deflectors, heated shield plug, Lowrance GPS, and Saddle Bags.

Just need snow ! :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

:yam: :4STroke: :rocks:


  • xtx.JPG
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Maine-Rider said:
SnoWarrior, how do you like the slydog skis?

:yam: :4STroke:

I have the Slydogs on my 05 Warrior since new and they have been great.
Good floatation and never a problem with darting. They also will take a hell of a beating. :o|

Thanks, all of the Nytros look great. Just need to get them on the snow now. :Rockon:

:yam: :4STroke: :rocks:
SnoWarrior said:
Maine-Rider said:
SnoWarrior, how do you like the slydog skis?

:yam: :4STroke:

I have the Slydogs on my 05 Warrior since new and they have been great.
Good floatation and never a problem with darting. They also will take a hell of a beating. :o|

Thanks, all of the Nytros look great. Just need to get them on the snow now. :Rockon:

:yam: :4STroke: :rocks:

