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Pros/Cons 973cc vs 1049cc? Trying to decide on used Vector.


Jul 5, 2010
White Cloud,Mi
Am considering picking up a used Vector, Vector LTX, or Rage. I just wanted to get some insight on if there are any known quirks between these engines that Im not aware of in case I run accross an nice Vector with the carb 973. I do like the power of the efi 1049, but the 973 seems to be pretty smooth on the trails. Im getting to the point in life where the top speed really doesn't matter to me. Im also curious if the carb 973 gets a little better mileage than the 1049efi. I used to own an Apex but had to sell it. Ive considered another Apex, but honestly I think the Vector stuff is more trail friendly in terms of smoothness vs shoulder jerky power. Ive went back to riding my SRX the last season and definitely miss the no smoke starts, and worrying about burn downs due to bad fuel. Any comments or feedback would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

Either sled is a great option. I own 973 carbed and am more than happy. Mileage is probably close to the same. I have an Apex & Phazer both injected and I think the carbed sled is a lot smoother on take off. I can't compare to injected Vector because I don't know anyone with one. The injected are definatly a little easier to start on cold mornings but nothing that would sway me in either direction if buying. I would look for the best deal and enjoy.
I have an 09 xtx that gets 15-16 mpg and an 07 rs vector gt carb that gets 19-22 mpg. (22 is more UP miles)

I actually enjoy riding the rs, but the xtx is more my size 6'2 275.
if you have the choice go with the EFI one, a little more power way easier starting, and none of the occasional carb issues (carb cleaning, and float bowels going dry from sitting.....nothing major) we have 2 carb vectors, 1 efi vector, 09 nytro and all get around the same mileage, main depends on who's riding it. either way you can't go wrong with 08 and up vectors.
Thanks for the info everyone. I guess when the season winds down and the sleds start going up for sale I will see which year model I end up with. I was just not sure if the longevity of the older 973 had any major quirks to look out for vs the newer 1049. I thought about getting another Apex, but the last several sled trips I did I really wasn't worried about power and speed. Plus the Apex isn't as smooth on clutch engagement like the Vectors I test rode. Thanks again!
