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Removing studs?


Nov 29, 2012
GTA Ontairo Canada
So I just purchased an 09 XTX and have been doing my resarch (this site is awesome!). There's 171 studs in the track and right down the middle where the shock is, can I remove these without having my track get ruined after a few rides? They look like they're making contact with the schock, they're the only ones that have rust on them so I'm guessing there's a coating on them that's been rubbed off now.

I believe that you can get a kit that can eleiminate the center shock from making contact with the track, if you wanted to go that route. I could be wrong about the kit I am thinking about though. Soemone else will chime in.
Ulmer sells the kit for that. It is fairly inexpensive also IMO FYI
Ok I found the kit which isn't on their website so I'll contact them today. I did do a search but I got a few hundred pages of results. Google actually narrowed it down much better, thanks for the help guys.
