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RX-1 Electrical Question

Bob Miller

TY 4 Stroke Master
Apr 19, 2003
Reaction score
New Milford CT
Present Sled: 2011 Yamaha Apex 128
How much electrical capacity does the Warrior have left over to run accessories? I tried a Gerbing heated jacket last year in Canada on my 700 Deluxe and it was a very warm feeling especially on that one day when the temperature was -23 degrees, but I found out the hard way the 700's elec system could not handle it! :roll: When I went to restart it, well that one had a pull starter. :D
The jacket requires 70 watts when turned all the way up!
I was wondering if the Warrior does not have enough left over capacity to handle the jacket could I disconnect one of the headlights :idea: That's 55 watts right there 8)

OK give me your feedback, I would appreciate it :shock:
Bob, There should be enough room on the back of that warrior to strap a generator on! Then you could have heated pants and boots as well as the jacket.
40 WATTS is what the 2003 RX1 had left for accesories. If the CDI is the same for the Warrior which it is...that's what you have to work with. Actually this information can also be found on the CD Service Manual which by the way was sent to you today. :wink:

Thanks RXWonder, I appreciate that! If I only have 40 watts to play with and I unplug one of those 55watt headlights when the cold moves me to do so that should work! What do you say? :roll:
Hey vcrash LOL :P Where did you get that name :?:
Bob,Your name sounds famalier, The name came from crashing a vmax 4 so hard that the only thing left after was one ski and the tailight,even broke the motor in half! wouldnt want to do that again.
vcrash my name is familiar! Its one of the more common names ie: Jones, Smith, Miller :D and Thank God that you surived that crash :oops: I believe the 'BIG GUY" had a lot to do with that :wink:
Your right about that, They gave me a 4 % chance of survival after the crash, never did see that bright light though :D
He wanted you to enjoy more snowmobiling on the highways of snow, snowmobiling Heaven on Earth in Canada :lol:
