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rx1......is the future...all will see the light


Dec 20, 2004
Putnam ny
the more i read the more i see that the rx1 will be what all other sleds want to be. as years go on yamaha will only improve on this 4 stroke beast. cmon guys................turbo charge it...................going 135-140-upto150.....thats insane, and still have a trail friendly sled.it doesnt take a genious to see the research that goes into this machine. whats gonna happen 10 years from now....................an rx1 going 200 mph....sounds crazy, i dont think it is. the power to weight ratio is gonna be that of a dragster................the 6 guys that drove my rx1 this past week (they drove cats and skidoo's) all had the same expression........"i want one".........when yamaha made this sled, i was pissed.i had a srx and was mad that they didnt continue with the triple triple. but after driving this new sled. i have faith that yamaha knows what its doing. i believe that in 5 more years (or less) yamaha will be the leader of sled sales.

I also believe Yamaha will soon be #1. That's because the future is four stroke no matter how much cleaner the others make the two strokes. :yam:
Im not certain that Id say the RX-1 is the future. I would say that its much more likely that the Vector is the future.
The Vector is actually a much better sled than the RX-1. The RX-1 is a great straight line sled, but its not for the woods/tight trails.
I think that if Yamaha puts the monoshock on the Vector, you will have the best snowmobile Yamaha as EVER made.
However, I also think that Yamaha will continue to work toward making 4-stroke sleds that will satisfy everyone's needs.
I believe that Yamaha will come out with a chassis that is similar to the REV because there is a demand for it.
One thing you cannont take away is that Yamaha did what everyone said couldnt be done for at least another 10-20 years. I dont think there is ANY other snowmobile manufacturer who has the resources or the experience to build a sled like the RX-1.
I was at a Poo dealer last week getting new wheels for my M10. We were discussing the new emissions standards. He told me that while he was at a dealers meeting in Tahoe this year, they (POO) told them that they read the emissions regulations differently, and were not going to change a thing. And they had no plans on a four stroke or a more efficient 2 stroke.
Indy said:
I was at a Poo dealer last week getting new wheels for my M10. We were discussing the new emissions standards. He told me that while he was at a dealers meeting in Tahoe this year, they (POO) told them that they read the emissions regulations differently, and were not going to change a thing. And they had no plans on a four stroke or a more efficient 2 stroke.

Indy, it doesn't really matter that much. I truly believe that most snowmobilers WANT an environmentally friendly sled so long as it performs well. If Poo has sleds that perform the same as 4 strokes, but are dirty they won't sell anyway.
Hebi said:
Im not certain that Id say the RX-1 is the future. I would say that its much more likely that the Vector is the future.Hebi

I have to ask you why you think this? It weighs only slightly less and has less (I won't get into an argument about how MUCH less power). The only thing that makes it handle better is a different front suspension geometry. This is why it FEELS so much lighter and handles with less ski lift than the RX-1. Unless Yamaha chooses to factory turbocharge the Vector motor and CALL it an RX-1 (since it would still be a 1 liter motor basically) which I think is a very definite possibility, the current 4 cylinder motor in the RX-1 is not a bad choice at all.
I was at a Poo dealer last week getting new wheels for my M10. We were discussing the new emissions standards. He told me that while he was at a dealers meeting in Tahoe this year, they (POO) told them that they read the emissions regulations differently, and were not going to change a thing. And they had no plans on a four stroke or a more efficient 2 stroke

There is only one way to "read" the emissions regulations, they are very clear. If they don't have plans for more efficient 2-strokes or a 4-stroke, they won't be selling snowmobiles.
Viper34 said:
I was at a Poo dealer last week getting new wheels for my M10. We were discussing the new emissions standards. He told me that while he was at a dealers meeting in Tahoe this year, they (POO) told them that they read the emissions regulations differently, and were not going to change a thing. And they had no plans on a four stroke or a more efficient 2 stroke

There is only one way to "read" the emissions regulations, they are very clear. If they don't have plans for more efficient 2-strokes or a 4-stroke, they won't be selling snowmobiles.

The rules are clear but you have to remember that both Cat and Poo have had 4-strokes since the mid/late 90s and they are getting credits for those sleds which alows more time before they have to make an efficient 2-stroke or performance 4-stroke.
Cat and Poo have had 4-stroke snowmobiles since the mid to late 90's?? I believe Cat had the first 4-stroke in 2002.

Anyways, credits are earned from units sold, and those credits can only be used in 2006, after 2006 there will be no credit system.
hebi..............i disagree with you.........first off i haven't driven the vector so i can't comment on that, however i will say that while driving my rx1 , i have absolutely no problems staying with a firecat, or anyother sled out there. even when the trails starting getting bad i was right on the firecats #*$&@. wieght is only an issue when lifting the sled up. a corvette weigh's more than a viper,yet handles better....or just as good.going back to what i originally was saying is that as the future goes on ,yamaha will fine tune this sled even more....and yes parts will be switched from one sled to another....................the future will be a 180 hp either turbo or non turbo 500lbs sled(wet),4 stroke, that will eat up the 2 strokes...........within 2 years.........my opinion
I think that the Vector is the future because unlike the RX-1, the Vector's engine was purpose-built to be a snowmobile engine.
Also, the Vector runs a rpm range that is better suited for a snowmobile (5000-8500) so the Vector doesnt need the gear reducer. Now having the gear reducer makes it lighter and makes it less expensive to manufacture.
I see the RX-1 as being Yamaha's lake sled (SRX replacement) and I see the Vector as being Yamaha's big-bore trail sled (SX Viper replacement).
Goldberg, I think you have unrealistic expectations for the future. You will probably NEVER see a 4-stroke production sled with a 500-pound wet weight. Most 2-stroke sleds cant even manage that! If Yamaha goes with a turbo (which I think they will) it will add even more weight to the already heavy RX-1. The RX-1 is already about 650 pounds wet, and there isnt enough carbon fibre and titanium parts that would drop 150 pounds. I would rathar have the sled be in the 570-600 pound dry weight range and have it stay in the $9,000 range than to have it be 530-550 pounds and be $12,000-$14,000.
I just dont see it happening, especially in 2 years.
hebi.....................ok maybe 500 lbs is a little lite, however not unrealistic.in time yamaha will produce something that will haul more #*$&@ then whats offered today,it will be a 4 stroke,lighter,just as reliable, and handle like a slot car and have even further adjustable rate suspensions.......................wow future looks good.............can't wait......until then i'll enjoy my new 4 stroke.
I have both and I believe you are absolutely correct that the Vector will be the way to go. I think they will offer a 8-10lb turbo on the Vector with a longer track option and could sell them all day long for about $11k and no body would buy a 900 RMK or a rt1000. However, I will say that, after dropping 70lbs from my 03' RX1M, I enjoy it more than my wife's 05' Vector Mt. I was carving some beautiful turns this week and though the Vector does very well, I felt better on the RX1 (and it sounds so much sweeter!!!). Also, stock...the Vector definitely needs more power to do any real climbing but it is set up well for the turbo (low comp, long rods, etc).

Here is a pix


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