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Seat Cleaning

wigman1 said:
DON"T use any Armorall - my Dad did that one time and fell off his seat 5 or 6 times that day - lol - it looked great but was dangerous to say the least!


ive been wearing leather suit for my whole life,and i always armor all my seats,looks killer and gives perfect amt of grip/slip with leather suit.....not recommended for cheapo suits..lol


Dan: Good you have luck with that - I can't afford the leather suit, hell they'd have to just hollow out a cow and put cuffs on the legs for me, that's about all that would fit me!!! Well, I exaggerate, but most people ride with the nylon shell snowmobile pants/suits, and they don't mix well with Armorall!!

I rode with leather all my life. I've had 3 leather suites and what Dan said is correct. Armorall works great if you ride with leather. However I armorall'd the seat on my banshee once and almost flew right off the back.. gotta watch out with that stuff...

Im riding with the good old yamaha suit this year, no leather so we'll see how the seat is before I put anything on it...
