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Shock Wrench Question

Your friendly neighborhood dealer. Hammer and screwdriver :lol:
If it's like the rear shock on my 03 Rx.....I used water pump pliers.....That all i could get to fit in there..... :oops:
On my '03 I also use channel locks. To make more room I unbolt one end of one of the relay rods (the flat gold bars) that run parallel to the shock. Pivots right out of the way. I read about someone using a Ski-Doo spanner wrench, so I bought one, but it only fits the center shock threaded collar, not the rear shock. I haven't tried it on the fronts yet.

Shock Nut

I have a front shock nut on my 03 that I have never been able to move with anything! I adjusted one side with ease, then put a wrench on the other side...and nothing. It seems to be cross threaded from the factory and yes my warrenty is long gone. Any ideas on how to fix this? I was thinking about cutting it of with a small dremel tool and posibly getting a new nut, but something tells me this will get ugly. I've just been running it at the stock setting. Any ideas?
keith, you can go with your idea on taking them off. then put on the adjusters from pioneer. no need for tools then!
I had thought of that, with some new springs at the same time. I was just worried I would damage the threads on the stock shock. By the time I bought the springs and adjusters I would be part way to the ohlihns shocks. I think I'll try the adjusters to save some coin, anf If I mess up the shock, I think I can use the adjusters on the rear? What springs would you recomend? I currently have 6" doolys, 12mm bar/longer arms and 144 picks on my 03.
