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simple jackshaft bearing fix

RX1 Yooper

TY 4 Stroke Junkie
Apr 14, 2003
Marion, Michigan
If you shim the secondary to remove the float, the bearing can't move. The belt height adjusters will do the same thing, since you take the float out.


tried that things just got hot very hot. and i lined it up really well. the wedge has to go in from the other side . or it needs the 04 parts
jack shaft

thats when i notest the problem . it got hot enuf to melt the buttons. put some side play back in and it cooled off. then the eratic perfomace started agian :(
If you align the secondary, it won't get hot. I have had my secondary locked with a belt height adjuster on 2 SRX's, a Viper, and my RX1, with no problems with heat, or belt wear. You guys must not be aligning it properly.

yes but my primary is a little differnt than stk witch makes my off set a little differnt . and iff the sleve is installed in the correct maner as discribed in the shop manual i would not be a problem. i even drilled and tapped it and put set screws in it and it would walk out under power then it would not return to its proper pos ow well ive made a new sleve up out of an old polaris jack shaft bearing and i will install normal 6206 bearing just to get me thruot the rest of the winter - spring ride(radar runs)this should be were these 10 tooth drivers really shine i will try and brake last years 119.2 should be fun watching the rev boys faces last year they were more than 10 mph off the pace :D
Black john,
Good luck with yiur project.

Even if your off-set is different, you can still align it, and lock it in place. If the secondary is locked against the collar, it can't back out. It will be held in place by the secondary.
I posted a fix for this earlier in the year. Yooper is right on about shiming behind the secondary. My dealer is now "Locking" every RX-1/Warrior secondary that leaves there store. If you are going to do this, get yourself an offset tool and make sure your lock your secondary so that is has a 15 mm offset. You can find my first post in the TY Tech Forums...BBY
