Skinz float plate?


Jan 25, 2015
Reaction score
07 apex attak

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When I asked my dealership last winter about ordering the skinz they could no longer order them. According to my dealer they stopped carrying them because snow would get in between the plate and sled then harden and pull away from the mounts. I vaguely remember reading other people complaining about having that issue but wanted to test one myself.
When I asked my dealership last winter about ordering the skinz they could no longer order them. According to my dealer they stopped carrying them because snow would get in between the plate and sled then harden and pull away from the mounts. I vaguely remember reading other people complaining about having that issue but wanted to test one myself.
Oh wow that's crazy. I'd like to test one to just curious if it would make a difference at all. Thanks,

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In hindsight I should have tracked down one myself to test but I needed to put a skid plate on the sled before I ran over any more trees lol
In hindsight I should have tracked down one myself to test but I needed to put a skid plate on the sled before I ran over any more trees lol
Ya would be nice if we could find some used ones to test out! Lmao gatta watch out for those guys.

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I had one on my 2011 for threes years. No problems.
I used ¼x20 well nuts instead of the metal rivnuts that it comes with.
And now I have a 2015 that I just put another one on.
I installed one last year and have had no problems with it. There is a little ice build up in some spots but no major areas of concern. Does the job well with small trees and off trail riding in deeper snow.
What about the protector from barn of parts... Aim thinking about this one for myself.

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I put one on my 2012 Apex last year. Since out sleds go into the heated garage each night, I drilled a few holes in the lowest spots on the plate to allow water to drain out once thawed.

Otherwise, i did not notice any issues with buildup. But that is why I did what I did, as I had read the same things.

I think it's a great float plate either way and it protects much better than the yamaha option.

Good luck!
I put one on my 2012 Apex last year. Since out sleds go into the heated garage each night, I drilled a few holes in the lowest spots on the plate to allow water to drain out once thawed.

Otherwise, i did not notice any issues with buildup. But that is why I did what I did, as I had read the same things.

I think it's a great float plate either way and it protects much better than the yamaha option.

Good luck!
OK right on thanks I think I'll give it a shot soon.

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I've had one for the past 3 years... it loosened up last season but didn't pull any mounts out. I just tightened up the bolts and it was good as new again. I would certainly buy another one.
