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SLP wear pads = NO TOP END GAINS..


TY 4 Stroke God
May 14, 2003
Kieler wis.
Even after the addition of the SLP wear pads i didnt notice any top end gains..

We were riding in eagle river wisonson and i raced my buddys several times on the lake.. (hard pack slight chop)

Most i got was 109-111mph on the dreammeter.. My best last time out was 109 with simalar conditons!

One thing i didn notice was that it rolled (coasted) alot easier expecially in corners..


(i just cant figure out why i dont get the 120+ speeds alot of guys are seein on this site) even my old rx warrior would pull 119 on the speedo

Is your track real loose? If not, make it so. With the mono you should have it hanging an inch down with little to no pressure. Otherwise, look at the belt alignment.

I never expected to gain any top end with the pads - but I love how little resistance they have when letting off the throttle and the little hyfax wear I get even in bad conditions. Afterall, it is more rotating mass which will likely counteract the little resistance gain you get while on the gas.

Otherwise, make sure your clutch aligment and settings are good.
OT-loose track, notice any rubbing?

Off the topic, but do you notice any rub marks on the inside of your track with running it loose as described?
Something is definately up Brian. There's a thread on here boasting of a guy seeing 134 on his dream O Meter. I know I saw 120 with more left before I had to back off on my Attak.
I don't remember all the things you tried, but have you started with the simple stuff yet like a new belt? I would also clean the clutch sheeves with scotchbrite.
I totally agree with mighty, I've seen 110+ on groomed trail and 123 on the lake with conditions that were not primo, I think it's got even a little more in it. Something must be binding, carbs out of sync. Hard to say what without looking at it but just doesn't seem normal. Tucking down behind that windsheild is also good for a few extra mph. Keep us posted.
Well as far as I can see...it's time to help out Weltracer. I think we need to focus on his sled and get him up and going! I've followed your post for most of the season and still you haven't been able to squeeze more top end? What if we start with the basics again? Rider weight, suspension settings, limiter strap, clean clutches, new belt, track tension/alignment, studs/pattern, clutch kit/gearing. It seems you've tried everything, but maybe something was overlooked?
I can pull 120-122 on a groomed trail and I have not even had a chance to ride it on a road yet or bare ice and I'm over reving the stock clutching to 10,900. If I adjusted the tip weight, I could probably get more out of it, but I'm buying a proline kit and we'll see what that does for it.
Ive seen over 128 or better more than once on mine with stock clutching and Ulmers stage 2.
What kind of RPMs are you seeing when you reach your peak of 109ish?
I seem to be having the same problem, i can only get 109 across the lake with a proline clutch kit. I know the kit shouldn't help me on top end, but it shouldn't hurt it either. my peek rpm's were around 10800
Same here, been more than 600 miles I can't seem to be able to do more than 109 (DM) I used to do 124 on had pack and 131 on ice road.

There is something we are overlooking.
I also like the way she glides when you let off the gas with the SLP pads.
As far as top end I've nothing to compare to really. The only time I really lit her up was on Big Moose in Old Forge on the grag strip (plowed ice). I saw 115 on the dream meter before I ran out of ice (1/4 mile). It seemed to be still climbing at that point so I was happy.
Stock gearing..

Stock clutching with weight removed from mid and tip rivet.. Pulls 10,700 out of the hole and pulls up to 10,900 on the top end..

I tried a new belt.. same results..

clutches are in perfect align...

secondary helix is machined for full shift out..

track is set at 1 1/4 sag..

i weight 210 with gear

i was tucked under the windshield..

sled is quik enough to hold off F7s and ZR900s if we leave equally.. but doesnt have the topend of everyone else here
Why did you take weight off the mid and tip? Were you under 10500 stock?
Is it 1 1/4" sag witout any weight on track? If so, I know guys like as loose as a goose, but I've seen it 1st hand on my sled when the track was that loose it really likes to flop off the rear wheels back into the tunnel. I saw this when someone took it for a ride...I couldn't believe it and I wasn't racheting either. I came home and tightened it quite a bit.
I couldn't get behind the mid windshield to well, so I bought the large and love it. Definetley helps with wind drag for me.
welteracer,I remember that Matt from the speeedshop and Turk said that the stock weights work better at 10600 and not at 10900 like the aftermart ones.Maybe you should put the weight back in the rivet holes and retest.
