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Snow in engine compartment on 2020 vk pro


Jan 9, 2022
2021 vk professional
Hello, new to the forum. I purchased a brand new VK professional last season. When I break trail, there is a lot of snow that enters the engine compartment. What a bad setup !!! Can I block some of these off. When I approached the dealership about this, he suggested that I could block some of the vents with frog skin but I must be careful that my machine does not overheat. I reside in Northern Ontario Canada and it is usually very cold. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks

you can use filter cloth to try it as it does let air flow through it. do you have the wide skis/skins on it? helps with flotation on the front.
Dealership told me that wider ski skins do not exist for the Vk Pro, only for the VK 540
Hello, new to the forum. I purchased a brand new VK professional last season. When I break trail, there is a lot of snow that enters the engine compartment. What a bad setup !!! Can I block some of these off. When I approached the dealership about this, he suggested that I could block some of the vents with frog skin but I must be careful that my machine does not overheat. I reside in Northern Ontario Canada and it is usually very cold. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
I keep a rope bag in the front , it partially stop snow , i was somewhat concerned of the modules not staying cool , but traded off the snow ingestion and temp fluctuations on them with a more consistent temp and less underhood snow
Hello, new to the forum. I purchased a brand new VK professional last season. When I break trail, there is a lot of snow that enters the engine compartment. What a bad setup !!! Can I block some of these off. When I approached the dealership about this, he suggested that I could block some of the vents with frog skin but I must be careful that my machine does not overheat. I reside in Northern Ontario Canada and it is usually very cold. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
Sorry I missed your thread until now. Mine does the same in the right conditions ... nose packed solid and lots of snow on the clutch guard and around the oil tank. If I forsee the situation I duct tape the front one under the bumper and both sides. This only comes up when the snow is light so it is usually also cold. Obviously there is a warning for running hot and you can monitor how warm your butt is ... ie. is the fan running.

The front is the worst and I just decided this morning that I am going to carry a little piece of tarp that I hang in front of it with the hood up ... close the hood and it should stay in place.

As far as I know the wide skins are still available and I would not be without mine.
I saw on this forum and then did myself - cover the vents with panty hose. Sounds weird but it works! Keeps the snow out but lets the air in, I did it on the 2 vents on the hood and the 2 below the windshield - reduced windshield fogging as well!
