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Sounds like I am always in reverse ~?!


Feb 20, 2008
North Java, NY
WNY had 1.5 ft of new snow to ride Sun morning. I was out in it before most anyone else (8 am) - did miles of fresh deep snow; everthing was packed with powder. THEN - beep-beep-beep .. I could hear the reverse warning buzzer when I slowed down. I stopped the sled, and started checking things -- everthing seemed fine & when I pulled the Reverse lever the beeping stopped.

This repeated itself for hours. Big snow drifts (yahoo! :-o ) -- Beep beep beep - :o| - stop & pull reverse lever until beeping stoped

Appearently some switch was packed shut with snow ..

Has anyone else had this happen - and is there an easy way to prevent it?

when ever you get snow under the hood it gets on the little sensor the reverse hits and freezes it on no big deal Unplug the wire to the beeper ditto
I just lived with beeping for a day -- has not happened since then. I suspect it all melted out.

I was hoping for a simple answer -- and now I have two to choose from: 1) unplug it, and 2) grease everything.
No kidding, exact same thing happened to me this past sunday as well!!! Powder was fun that day! It was funny we were taking turns jumping off a cliff like area and my friend goes to me you gonna hit that in reverse?? LOL

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