Lifetime Member
I can't get picks long enough for the ripsaw, so I need to stud the bejesus out of it. I'll be installing a 1 inch track during the off season, so I'm no longer worried about using this ripsaw on the trail. Can I put studs in every pitch on the outsides for radar running, or is that too much stress on it? I have the standard 144 woddy's pattern now with every other outside row done. Looking to get 96 more studs in it.
Lifetime Member
For radar around wisconsin most tracks aere 1000ft long.144 Ice picks is all you need any more just slows you down.if your going to be ice draging or lake racing put 192 in.I have some 1/2" tracks Eric already studded.
Lifetime Member
I don't think I have time to do a track change anymore this year Ryan, so picks are out of the question this year. I'm gonna sharpen the trail studs, but I definately need more. I ran 111.3 in 1000ft with 144 studs, but was spinning terribly for about half the track. I can't even get on the nitrous untill after 500ft.
You can do every pitch on the outsides.You are only going in a straight line anyways.More studs is less stress.Fewer studs will bend over during acceleration,more sharp studs = better hookup.
Stagger them of course as best you can since you already drilled some holes.
Stagger them of course as best you can since you already drilled some holes.