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teflon-silicone slides

Blue shadow

TY 4 Stroke Guru
Apr 23, 2003
Reaction score
A lot of times you hear people say spend a little more and go the distance.Is teflon-silicone slides the best for racing performance applications?THANKS
Mike, they do slide better than standard slides. However they are harder on the clips. I for one dont think they are worth the $150.00. Save yourself some money and drill some holes in your hyfax, this will help with cooling and friction. Your parts are on the way. Mailed yesterday...BBY
BBY- What do you mean drill some hole in your slides ?? How big ??
How many ?? And do you drill right through ??
Sorry to be the voice of opposition on this one but I'm quite certain what I have to say is legitimate.
I had almost melted through my stock hyfax the fist season on my MSRX. Because of that, I went to hiperfax the next season and rode the sled for 4 seasons on the hiperfax installed with little or no wear. This was WITH all the idlers removed from the rear suspension.
I don't know about you but I saw considerable wear on my RX-1M hyfax last season. I have already removed all my idlers and Hiperfax will be installed on my RX-1M as well. Besides saving a bunch of weight by being able to remove the idlers I also don't have to TWANG out when I encounter icy trail conditions. In my own experience I'd say at least the HIPERFAX brand of teflon slides are worthy of you hard earned dollars. I can't say that for the other brands of teflon sliders because I have no personal experience with their use.
One thing to keep in mind when using them though. Make sure they are used with a fully clipped track or you wear will increase considerably. Call Hiperfax @ 207-764-4319 to verify this (I did) If you use them with a rubber track it somehow melts the teflon if I remember correctly :?: I can't remember exactly why but they told me many do use them with closed window tracks because their distributors fail to tell their customers this simple fact. Then they get disheartened about the sliders. Maybe that's why the distributors don't say anything? That way they end up selling another set of hyfax :roll: Powder Blue
Sled Ed-

Drill 5/32" holes appx 1/4" deep. Locate them 3/8" apart and drill them from the middle of the skid all the way to the front. You will end up with 25-30 holes. Good Luck...BBY
My hiperfax teflons wore just as fast as the stock type....I was extremely disappointed with them. I could have bought 10 sets of stock ones for that $$$!!
I'm with PB (no J). I wore through my stock sliders fast. Went to Hyperfax and no noticable wear after twice the milage.

Same story on my MMX. Wore through first set in about 400 miles. Have 1300 miles on Hyperfax and NO wear.

Maybe it's different on long and short tracks????
Thanks for the backup Spray. I was begining to feel a little beat up. Yes, it may be as simple as the difference between long tracks and shortys. Maybe the less pounds per square inch put on the slides helps ours live longer? I WILL have them on my sled next season (hopefully with new 89A clutch weights :)
If nothing else the weight saving alone make them worthwhile. PB
