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Thinking of selling the Viper :(


TY 4 Stroke Guru
Mar 30, 2006
Western New York, Chautauqua County
2014 Viper RTX SE (sold)
Well, got banged up playing hockey and did-in the ol' shoulder (the throttle side shoulder to boot). Fractured Scapula and torn rotator cuff (waiting on mri to see if complete tear or partial tear). I mean really what the eff ya know?? I was so excited about this season with the Viper.

6-12 wks for the fracture and who knows with the rotator cuff? That is the whole snowmobiling season. :o|

I am having thoughts of just selling it instead of letting it sit in the garage till next year. What would you guys do?

MCApex44 said:
Well, got banged up playing hockey and did-in the ol' shoulder (the throttle side shoulder to boot). Fractured Scapula and torn rotator cuff (waiting on mri to see if complete tear or partial tear). I mean really what the eff ya know?? I was so excited about this season with the Viper.

6-12 wks for the fracture and who knows with the rotator cuff? That is the whole snowmobiling season. :o|

I am having thoughts of just selling it instead of letting it sit in the garage till next year. What would you guys do?

If you're really set on selling it... I would sell it now while the riding season is still here and you can get max $$ for it.

You'll probably still get kicked in the balls on price... but it will be much better than waiting until Spring.
youre prolly going to take it right up the tailpipe if you sell now. Just keep her and let the rest of us be the guinea pigs. By the time next season rolls around we'll have found all the common issues and best upgrades... you'll be ahead of the game!
I agree. Keep it not like its costing anything to sit in garage. And you will totally take it up the butt if you sold it. Great sled dont see how they can improve it much for next year anyways
Wax on. Wax off with the left arm......... I can see your dilemma. Both sides have their strong points.......... Put it up for sale for a month and see if you can get a fair price now. If not keep it.. MM. :Rockon:
yami1 said:
I agree. Keep it not like its costing anything to sit in garage. And you will totally take it up the butt if you sold it. Great sled dont see how they can improve it much for next year anyways
I know how they can improve it, make them so they will reliably start every time.
I know exactly how you feel, tore my ACL hunting deer this year and wrestled with if I should even take it or not. I ended up taking my Viper, it came in and I picked it up the week before my surgery. It sits there and tortures me while I rehab and hope to ride. The surgeon says no riding for the season, no way will I make another two weeks without throwing a leg over. I say keep it, your value has already deprecated for the year for the most part, you have nothing to lose . There are allot of unknowns yet, maybe the cuff isn't bad and you can ride in 6 weeks?? That's mid February, best riding of the year. You may not be able to ride 100% (I know I sure wont) but you could still enjoy a leisurely groomed trail ride. That's my plan anyway. Worst case scenario it will be there next year.
I can almost promise next years Viper will be BNG for the most part so you might as well keep it.
The worst thing for a sled is to let it sit during winter! Bring it to my garage and I will debug it for u this winter at no cost to you! LOL! Hope your shoulder is better soon.
Keep it and save for a Turbo :-o
Keep it. I hoped you took your stick and whacked the other guy in the head. Or quit playing hockey so you can ride.
Yep, probably best just to keep it. Ya get some funny thoughts going while on pain pills. Who knows...hopefully I can get some seat time on it this season still. And-like someone already mentioned...hopefully all the bugs on the Viper are all worked out by then. Anyways, thanks for the posts guys! For all us that love snowmobiling it definitely hits hard when something happens that keeps you from snowmobiling. This blows!
I know your pain Brother! I broke my collarbone Jan 9 2009. First day of a bagger trip to the Jan. TY ride. 3 months no work or play. BUT, I went to Togwotee Lodge for a 4 day experience before I returned to work! Keep your chin up and find something to keep your mind involved. I was dreadfully depressed the whole time and hope to never feel that way again. The TY family has your back!
