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Vector vs Apex mileage????


Jul 30, 2007
Wooler Ontario Canada
Hey guys I have a 2011 Apex and figure I get 17 MPG in Canada or 14.5 mpg in USA Gallons. I'm considering trading in for a Vector to get the better mileage/range. Reading here I think you guys are getting 15-17 USA mpg so maybe not that much incentive either????
I was also thinking I could save some $$ by burning regular instead of premium, but it sounds like alot of you are running premium anyway to avoid ethanol.

So my question am I crazy to spend the $$$ to trade and maybe not really save anything??? I love the Apex and don't think the Vector will be better in any other way other than milage.
Thanks guys!

Well I think I can help you a little..I have owned my 05 vector since new... Now have 10,000 miles on the old girl.. I check my mileage every fill-up... i average a low of 16.5 all the way up over 20.............. Most of my fill-ups average 18.8 or better............... Vectors have won the real world shoot out gas mileage average every year........... The only machine that gets better is the new 600 ace.......... MM.
I have both an APEX and a Vector. Hands down Vector is better fuel mileage, Apex is faster top end. Trail riding I like both, right now my Vector has better skis and studs so I prefer it. If I stud the Apex and new carbides it will be close.
In regards to fuel. Every tank the Vector will take 1 gallon less, aproximately. So at 4 dollars a gallon it will take roughly you 25 tanks to save $100 thats over about 3000 miles; for a thousand dollars it is 250 tanks of fuel.

SO pick the sled you want to ride -IMHO- it is not a money decision.

I am making a bid tonight on a used, new to me, Vector LTX. I have over 12k miles on my Apex, only ridden my 121 vector 300 miles but love it and hope to get a mate to it and retire the APEX.

Good luck.
I bought my first 4-stroke, a 2007 Apex. It got 12 miles to the gallon vs. my Polaris's 10. I was happy.
But hat RTX was such a miserable ride I used it 3 trips and got a Vector GT, FI. Same trails, same riding style a week later, and I could not believe it when I got 16 mpg out of it. And no performance difference to speak of.
yamadoo said:
I have both an APEX and a Vector. Hands down Vector is better fuel mileage, Apex is faster top end. Trail riding I like both, right now my Vector has better skis and studs so I prefer it. If I stud the Apex and new carbides it will be close.
In regards to fuel. Every tank the Vector will take 1 gallon less, aproximately. So at 4 dollars a gallon it will take roughly you 25 tanks to save $100 thats over about 3000 miles; for a thousand dollars it is 250 tanks of fuel.

SO pick the sled you want to ride -IMHO- it is not a money decision.

I am making a bid tonight on a used, new to me, Vector LTX. I have over 12k miles on my Apex, only ridden my 121 vector 300 miles but love it and hope to get a mate to it and retire the APEX.

Good luck.

I agree Yamadoo, it will take him a long time to recoup any savings by trading in and getting a Vector.

And Snoguzzler, if you are getting 17mpg out of your Apex, I'd keep it.
you mine as well keep the apex. the savings in gas is so minimal its not worth worrying about. my 2009 vector ltx gt always gets 20 mpg. (American)
20% difference

me and a buddy just got back from riding in Quebec, I have a 2010 Vector gt (fuel injected) amd he has a 2007 Apex , I averaged 20% better fuel economy than him.
I run my F.I. Vector Hard, we are flat out most of the day. I would have to round my numbers up to get 17 m.p.g. on my best day! I do use less fuel than my Apex buddy but not much. His light comes on and till we get fuel mine is starting to flicker , so what is that 1 gallon or less.
When riding with my buddy hard with his vector and me on the apex he usually uses only 2 litres less than me at fill up. When im just cruising on my mine with the wifey on her vecto she can use almost 6 litres less than me on a fill up. Its all in how you drive. I also get 14-15 mpg out of my apex so its not hard on fuel for an apex put it gives you an idea how good the vector is on fuel
