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water in my tank


Jan 5, 2011
Reaction score
Ekwok, Ak
my snowmachine was sitting for 2 years and I was wondering how to clean the fuel injection on my 07 attak
in the cold weather i have to role it over about four time before it starts
and some time it wont inject fuel i've been running amsoil quick shot and octane booster to see if it will help.
Drain the tank completely and put in fresh gas. Then pour in either some Sea Foam or Yamaha's Ring Free in your fresh gas. Either one works and they are the best for cleaning IMHO. I've used Amsoil PI before and it's just not as good as Sea Foam.

If doesn't clear the injectors, repeat. They are probably clogged from your old crappy gas breaking down as it sat there. Next time drain your gas tank if it's going to sit that long.
would that be the reason for it not to inject fuel
sometimes ill turn the key on and off like 5 times before it works
yamaha_1 said:
would that be the reason for it not to inject fuel
sometimes ill turn the key on and off like 5 times before it works

Check the relay for corrosion. If corroded clean up the connections and try it again.
If its a clogged injector, Sea Foam may fix it. If its a bad fuel pump or faulty injectors, that'll take replacing parts.
I switched my relay with the other one and now it injecting fuel
thank everyone for the help
