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What glue and foam to use on body panels??

Could've went with Frogzskins, they use a mesh covering.
Cold seizure, that occurs when your sled isn't up to temp with the thermostat not open and you run it... Gets hot quick & piston sets up.
Nothing to do with taking in air.

I would stay foam free, idk if any the vent kits included it but some form of outterwears type material that blocks water but allows air to flow on the clutch side so belts and clutches stay dry would be ideal

Just put it behind the panel
Yes I have prefilter screen on all clutch vents. Even put it on the upper stock vent clutch side all on inside so can't tell.
Could've went with Frogzskins, they use a mesh covering.
Cold seizure, that occurs when your sled isn't up to temp with the thermostat not open and you run it... Gets hot quick & piston sets up.
Nothing to do with taking in air.

So theoretically if a guy ran without hood and body panels outside of the concern for clutch snow dust issue you don't think there is anything to worry about when temps get to minus 20? Basically it seemed as if Yamaha tried to keep some heat in but maybe too much? What about thermostat issues if engine is more open and exposed to cold air and lot cooler temps. No concerns there? Don't want to drop below optimum running temps. I know there is a range. Those are my concerns.
If engine was enclosed in box would run warmer etc. So basically by venting all I am concerned about too low of engine temps and having thermostat issues dues to this. Maybe I am over thinking? Might just foam the little I can being I bought the foam already. Will debate a bit over a beer!
If engine was enclosed in box would run warmer etc. So basically by venting all I am concerned about too low of engine temps and having thermostat issues dues to this. Maybe I am over thinking? Might just foam the little I can being I bought the foam already. Will debate a bit over a beer!

having your thermostat in there is the reason why you shouldn't need any foam paneling in there at all. the thermostats job is to regulate the temps, infact the colder it gets and the slower you go, your engine will be more prone to overheating. the nytro engine is a hot running bastage so when put as much venting as you want, loose the foam, and just ride it! if your concerned with riding when the engine is too hot or cold put a external thermostat on it with a gauge. that will help you a ton more that putting any paneling in there
having your thermostat in there is the reason why you shouldn't need any foam paneling in there at all. the thermostats job is to regulate the temps, infact the colder it gets and the slower you go, your engine will be more prone to overheating. the nytro engine is a hot running bastage so when put as much venting as you want, loose the foam, and just ride it! if your concerned with riding when the engine is too hot or cold put a external thermostat on it with a gauge. that will help you a ton more that putting any paneling in there

Sound good that was what I was wondering. Also heard the stock OEM coolant mix was too strong and made cooling worse. Also heard if you mix anti freeze to little different ratio then stock. Less coolant equals better cooling to a degree. Yamaha missed the mark there once again. So thinking I will run engine ice or water wetter as well.

Prob gonna skip foam as it won't sound deaden my panels really cuz they Swiss cheese so will as weight and not really do much. May just ad a little here and there?
Still debating since I got it all here now and is paid for. Just not sure how beneficial it will be.
Few threads on here about water wetter and they were saying it had no effect. Give it a try not all nytros had a cooling issue
I have engine ice and doesn't look like anyone on here has tried that yet. So will give that a run when I can.
Issue I see was it didn't have enough airflow. Don't believe that coolent mix was off more than radiator was lacking airflow
Sound good that was what I was wondering. Also heard the stock OEM coolant mix was too strong and made cooling worse. Also heard if you mix anti freeze to little different ratio then stock. Less coolant equals better cooling to a degree. Yamaha missed the mark there once again. So thinking I will run engine ice or water wetter as well.

Prob gonna skip foam as it won't sound deaden my panels really cuz they Swiss cheese so will as weight and not really do much. May just ad a little here and there?
Still debating since I got it all here now and is paid for. Just not sure how beneficial it will be.

if you still have the stock coolant in there I would be replacing all the coolant anyway. your sled is 7-8 model years old now. one thing I never cheap out on is fluids on my snowmobile. I run a coolant mix of 50/50, the IP Vent, and slidekick ice scratchers when there is low snow and have hardily ever (see edit) had a problem with overheating. I think personally that those additives are snake oil since I've never seen solid evidence that they work better than fresh a 50/50 coolant mix.

I would also just skip the foam. even tho it is airy it will still turn into a block of ice because the nytro engine is hot, your body panels are usually cold (and since you have all those vents even colder) it will just freeze to them

edit: the only time I've had any problems with overheating on my sled is when it is -5 f or colder. with the very fine snow builds up in the engine compartment and the major block of ice that builds up on an undertunnel setup.
Ya was thinking I want to change all fluids when I buy used so thinking synthetic chaincase oil and same with motor oil. Want to change coolant regardless. Any tricks to that? First yamaha and first 4 stroke. Any known chaincase issues with these? Think mine is leaking and think I am missing say a 10mm bolt in center of it towards front of sled. Any ideas there?
Ya was thinking I want to change all fluids when I buy used so thinking synthetic chaincase oil and same with motor oil. Want to change coolant regardless. Any tricks to that? First yamaha and first 4 stroke. Any known chaincase issues with these? Think mine is leaking and think I am missing say a 10mm bolt in center of it towards front of sled. Any ideas there?

for coolant I used yamaha brand coolant (only because it is readily available for me and it hasn't done me wrong). no real tricks, drain then refill, move the sled around a bit to burp the airbubbles out, fill to line, run till you know its flowing, shutoff add more as needed (just like a 4 stroke vehicle hint hint...)
for everything else I use torco chaincase lube and oil, both are 100% synthetic.

as for the chaincase yes there are common issues...
search "broken bolt in chaincase" and you will see. some people say to replace it some don't. mine hasn't been in there since I bought it in 2010 still works great. you better inspect your chaincase really good if you are leaking and missing some bolts in it. check all your bearings (especially the speedo bearing).
If you run engine ice I don't think you can add regular antifreeze to it later or something like that. Maybe make sure it can be mixed just in case you are out somewhere and have problems and need to top up your coolant. I have never had my MTX overheat on the trails. You are running a shorter track nytro and lots of guys added the MTX tunnel cooler and solved their overheat problems. I think Ulmer racing is parting out a sled and I believe he has 1 or 2 MTX tunnel coolers for a reasonable price. There should be a write up on the install on here for sure.

Don't use any spray glue on your existing vents and put foam over them . The spray glue will seal the existing vent material and stop the airflow from getting through thus defeating the purpose of installing all the holes and vent material. .
Ya gonna skip it all. I have only seen my temp light a few times and this was while chatting on trail quick trying to figure which way to go or something. As soon as I would get air flow going it was gone. So think I will try it as it is now with all the vents being added and mod accordingly from there. Would rather save the money for something else if I don't need it. You made a good point about engine ice not being available easily. Can't mix the two. Drain, flush with water and then fill with one or the other. So if I had a issue I could drain engine ice and fill with coolant then. Still debating some things. Thanks for input.
I used Amsoil for oil , chain case and antifreeze. Had no problems with over heat or freezing. Started just fine in -25F last year. Not into all those additives. Like it was mentioned before no real hard data so why add the "snake oil".
