Whats this sled worth?


Sep 21, 2010
Reaction score
Cedar Falls IA
Not real familier w/the Phazers and have a chance to buy one... I usually ride Nytro's but have a chance to buy a friend of mines Phazer for a good price I think. Its got 1,000 miles on it. New c&a pro ski's w/new carbides and slides. It is a 2008. Its strecthed to a 136 with a new track. white Belly pan. Hygear suspension. Oh its an RTX. Thanks!!
I'd say 3500-4000 depending on how nice it is and what track/extension is on it.

I see some going for 3K, but they are usually higher mileage or totally stock base models.
This is just an opinion, but I have been seeing 07's in that range. An 08 with those goodies should be closer to $4k if you put any value on the extras.

If the guy selling it is the one that paid HyGear to do those shocks, he may laugh as the shock work was probably very expensive. As a Phazer owner, I would consider $4k.

Did he go 1.5" on the 136" track? If so, that would be a fun ride!

Good luck!
I agree, if it is the one in the CL ad it's a good price, looks like a 1.5 track, but can't tell for sure. Throw in your "buddy discount" and I'm sure it'd be a great deal on a nice sled for you :Rockon:
One thing I noticed from the craigslist photos (still not sure if that's the same sled you'd be buying) is that the tunnel extension hasn't been done yet ... so you'd likely have some costs in completing this work. Depending on your ability to do the work yourself, it could run you as little as $50-$75, or (if you're going to fab or purchase a new bumper, powdercoat it, etc.) you could be looking at $200-$300 or more. Something to consider.
you can look it up on kelly blue book
