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Who has the highest miles on an RX1 without engine repairs?


Feb 7, 2006
Manitoba Canada
2015 Yamaha Viper R-TX LE
Wondering how high the mileage is getting on the RX1s out there without any break down or rebuilds? Post what you have or have heard someone has, but try and limit the posts to ones that can be proven... no wives tails...

The guy that rode 10,000 miles during the 2002-2003 season on his RX-1 and 12,000 miles during the 2003-2004 season on his warrior, had no engine problems at all. He was a site member from Vermont and was featured in SnowTech, but he hasn't posted in a long time.

To be honest, I can't recall any site member that has rebuilt their 4-stroke engine. :4STroke:
a friend i ride with has 25 000km on his 2003 rx1.blew the first jackshaft bearing at 23 000 km so he changed both and the shaft itself while he was at it,pretty good,besides a few idler wheels and bearings,the sled runs just fine.he bought a 2007 apex gt this year but he's keeping his rx1 cause the dealer wouldnt give him nothing for it.still worth lots to him for all that trouble free mileage
thanks for the input guys! keep it coming....
10,676 miles 03 rx-1. also just had 05 ring update done on warranty.
2004 Warrior have 6800 miles of worry free driving.I drive it really hard,take jumps,hold it wide open for way too long.Still have original belt on.I bought a new belt and compared it to the original one and you will need a microscope to see the difference in width.My dealer barely sees me because there is nothing to buy other than oil change once a year.Oh wait , I did buy a speedo bearing for $40.00 once. :4STroke: :yam:
'bout 5000 miles on mine and 6000 miles on Dad's (04 Warriors).... Oil changes once per year and new belts once per year (just cause they're cheap and I noticed I lost about 3 or 4 mph top end on a 3000 mile belt), but never had a belt fail.

Brother blew a drive axle bearing last year on his 04 before he wrote it off, so Dad and I replaced ours for like $80 installed. That's it. OH - forgot. 2 inside idler bearings at the end of last year.

Unless I win the lottery, I'm expecting MANY MANY more miles out of this thing!

6000 miles on my 03 RX-1, converted to a Warrior. Changed every bushing and bearing this fall. It gave me something to do, and I was able to learn alot! Going to change plugs and belt soon, just because they have 6 grand on them. Must be time.Still the most favorite sled of all time!! HONK!
I have 2864 miles on my '03 RX-1mtn (~900 under boost). The difference is my miles are ~95% deep powder/climbing and ~5% trail riding. This equals out to ~7000 trouble free miles of trail riding when you base it off my fuel mileage (6.5 mpg)vs. the average trail rider's (15+ mpg). The average mtn rider's sled sees more demanding loads during it's life time because of the terrain riden in.

Idid not follow Yamaha's recomended break in with the 15 min. heat cycles prior to putting on miles. I rode the first 500 miles two-up using varying mid rpm to WFO throttle positions. To date; my sled has never seen a bottle of "Ring Free" or Sea Foam and, uses no oil what-so-ever.

Here are a couple short video clips to show my typical usage in a days ride.

What is this ring update that a lot of people are having done?? I have searched all of Yamahas recalls and service bulletins and can't find it. My local sled dealer has never heard of it. Whats the deal?
Turbo'd from new with 8200 miles of touble free engine operation. Will break the 10,000 mile mark easy this year ;)!
The 03 rings were/are notorious for allowing oil consumption..... in 04 they changed the part # of the ring, and that's the update.... Some guys used lots of oil, some still use none, but the part # changed so there was an 'unofficial update' of sorts....
