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widen front suspension

Check out Pioneer or Maximum Performance websites. They both offer widening kits for the RX-1. I'd go with the kit from Pioneer, 1" wider than Maximum Perf.'s kit
What is the General idea of widening the front end?
What do we hope to accomplish by this , exactly?

I'm wondering 'cause I was thinking of it also at the begining of the season, but wanted to ride my warrior for a while before I started making adjustments. And I don't know enough about it to consider a change.Don't wanna spend big bucks for a poor or not so impressive outcome.

So far I actually like it more today than 6weeks ago. the more I ride it the more I like It, still needs a few things...wider front end is a definate maybe for me....I need to learn more about the physics involved.
The idea of the wide front is that it becomes more difficult to roll it over. Fact is that its wide enough. I'm actually thinking of going narrow to help make it easier to pull onto its side in deep snow.

Before deciding that you need more stability, loosen off your ski springs, tighten your straps, and loosen off the center spring. Get that front end down low and it should handle the corners better.
What will the limit straps effect?
Tightening them will help me how?

I have already loosened the springs on the skis and it was a significant improvement. But more is needed as there is still too much body roll.
