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Will The Phazer need Re-enforcing?


Jan 3, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys,
To handle big jumping (50+feet) and Sno-x style riding, do you think the Phazer will need braces or re enforcing anywhere? I am very intrigued by this sled, but am kind of leery about giving up my 440 for a regular production sled..I have done that in the past and wasted alot of money. Thanks!! :Rockon:
Details on Feje's sled are sketchy..first off, it is impossible for that sled to be a production unit and who knows what tricks Yami or Fejes did to it..It may be no more like a Phazer than anything else on the market! Fejes was at the Lambeu field WSA Sno-x race last year, I hope he is there agin this year and I can maybe see the sled in action..I'd love to atleast hear it :yam: ?
I think Yamaha built a sled just for Jimmy so it is likely beefed-up a little more for the back flips. Did you see on Jimmy's site where he is planning on doing a double back flip :Rockon:
Fox RX1,
Yeah, I heard he hyped everyone up and then had some kind of mechanical prob keeping him from doing it....That would be the sickest thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bling

As more time goes by, I am more and more leery of the Phazer being able to handle the kind of jumping we do.. I know I am by no means a pro..But I have had some production sleds and regretted it BIG TIME!!!

