Recent content by Brotherdan

  1. Brotherdan

    Coolant temp sensor replacement - sealant

    If your sensor has a sealing washer then no, if it doesn’t have a sealing washer I would use a small amount of pipe sealant with teflon, don’t get crazy with it a little goes a long way
  2. Brotherdan

    Apex skid on my xtx

    It sounds like a monoshock skid, used in attak,apex ltx,vector ltx, google yamaha monoshock & theres a ton of images Based on the shock picture it appears to me a monshock skid used in the attak, apex ltx& vector ltx, if it is a clicker shock with a small black adjuster knob it is a new style...
  3. Brotherdan

    Track rubbing noise after extrovert drivers install

    I had major problems with a Yamaha driveshaft with narrow black kimpex extrovert drivers that someone added on, if you look at kimpex vs wahl you can see the difference, I could not get the kimpex drivers to work &ended up having a newer style Yamaha shaft with factory extrovert drivers cut down...
  4. Brotherdan

    Track rubbing noise after extrovert drivers install

    Is this driveshaft a Yamaha shaft with yamaha drivers? Or a yamaha shaft with aftermarket kimpex drivers?
  5. Brotherdan

    Nyper build thread

    Im so happy to see you working on this build again,I don’t see many custom builds that are documented,the rear frame looks good to me but im not an engineer.Im sure you have to be careful to not lighten it so much that you sacrifice strength,thanks for keeping us updated on your progress
  6. Brotherdan

    TPI Orange sec spring

    Have you reached out to tim or terry at thunder products to see if they have stocking dealers in canada?fyi they are very very busy so it may be a minute to get a response but they are top notch people
  7. Brotherdan


    This is the Yamaha red fuel pump relay # 8GN-81950-00-00 also you can purchase replacements from rockmeister on this site he is a great guy& very helpful, if you have trouble finding him you can find him online at
  8. Brotherdan

    Nyper build thread

    Thats cool, great job on the trailer,it looks factory built only much better quality,it fits the sidexside really well ,I need to build a trailer for my atv for hauling wood so every picture I see gives me more & different ideas,the mountains in the background aren’t so bad either!! Building...
  9. Brotherdan

    Nyper build thread

    I’m So glad you gave us an updateYou have most of the hard stuff done!! , I’ve been wondering if you were still working on it,its definitely hard to find any extra time with children,work& family. I’ve got one of my sleds in pieces doing some upgrades & maintenance work,new track, seat etc& i...
  10. Brotherdan

    2007 Attak - Crank no start?

    Start with the basics & confirm air,fuel,spark
  11. Brotherdan

    08' RTX / Looking Skid Transfer Link Bushings?

    If you look at a picture of the actual arms it looks like they have bushings in them when purchased new, maybe a part that isn’t serviced separately? I looked through a bunch of different listings & don’t see anything different than what we have talked about,the bushings you posted only show...
  12. Brotherdan

    08' RTX / Looking Skid Transfer Link Bushings?

    This is what I saw in the parts diagram
  13. Brotherdan

    08' RTX / Looking Skid Transfer Link Bushings?

    The bushing in the parts listing was originally either steel or aluminum based on color& pics & part #90387-06106-00
  14. Brotherdan


    I had one but sold it about a month ago,I found out that seat concepts is no longer making any apex, rx1, vector seats, only nytro & sidewinder now, did you check with jim at spa city in New York he may have one & is awesome to buy from
  15. Brotherdan

    Questions regarding 2003 Yamaha Rx1

    If you increase the idle speed it will help eliminate the clutch rattling,there’s a99% chance that you will have to disassemble & clean the carburetors,these engines have very small jets in the carbs & you will find old fuel combined with plugged jets will be the problem with almost all of your...
