Recent content by Srxspec

  1. Srxspec

    Cold start issue

    It's amazing how bad stale old fuel actually is. Hopefully some riding time comes your way soon!
  2. Srxspec

    TPS values in DIAG mode vs PCV values??

    The PCV TPS values are values that are preset, do not use that to trouble shoot your actual TPS sensor.
  3. Srxspec

    2016 Yamaha Viper Low Compression on PTO Cylinder

    They are nikasil coated, yes.
  4. Srxspec

    Whip or extension plug

    Yamaha part #s for different hood extension harnesses and which years they will fit.
  5. Srxspec

    162 skid lower shock mount bearings/wheels

    I believe it is the same, as I believe BDX made this kit for Yamaha.
  6. Srxspec

    Function of air intake sensor?

    Sets the fuel map for the ecu. The ECU uses air intake temp, barometric pressure, and manifold pressure to determine what fuel mapping it should use. I doubt the air intake temp sensor is causing your idle surge.
  7. Srxspec

    162 skid lower shock mount bearings/wheels

    That's the Yamaha upgrade kit that was sold as an accessory (uses Arctic Cat arms & geometry). The kit basically replaced the 2 suspension arms, had a new lower mount for the front shock and had a 2 wheel kit for the rear wheels. The kit required you move the front and rear mounting holes...
  8. Srxspec

    Where to start with poor performance

    If you have alot of weight in the heel (likely Tungsten & 1 or 2 washers), you likely have 50Y weights. The 50YS (which the poster has) require a different method as they are a flatter profile weight and require more tip weight than heel weight.
  9. Srxspec

    Cold start issue

    Have you run it enough to burn all the old fuel out? Sounds like a classic case of old stale fuel.
  10. Srxspec

    1.75 Backcountry on a 15 viper

    LTX DX should have 24/50 gearing, you should be fine with that.
  11. Srxspec

    viper vs sidewinder gears

    Viper gear is 3/4" wide, Sidewinder gear is 7/8" wide.
  12. Srxspec

    What engine parts are swappable between the apex 998 and the r1 engine

    The 2003-2005 RX-1 had some parts interchangeable with the 1998-2000 R1, but I'm not sure any of the Apex parts interchange with any of the R1 engines. Possibly the rods & pistons, nothing else likely interchanges.
  13. Srxspec

    Your next sled is going to be???

    Put 10 miles on it yesterday morning quick before our snow disappeared. Probably the best "out of the box" sled I've ever driven as far as chassis goes. I've driven stuff with more horsepower, no doubt, but it scoots pretty good too for being box stock & in break-in mode yet.
  14. Srxspec

    Your next sled is going to be???

    Sometimes we have to experiment in life, LOL! I haven't had any DOO 900 stuff out yet. I know the MCX stuff is usually pretty good.
  15. Srxspec

    Your next sled is going to be???

    Polaris 9r, going to pick it up on Saturday.
