Recent content by Yamifan

  1. Yamifan

    Dupont or Cat Vespel Slides??

    2500 miles on our oem slides and still had .110 left before the wear line at the most worn point. I slapped oem right back on both sleds. 1.25" lug tracks. No scratchers.
  2. Yamifan

    Setting up the ‘24 LTX-GT EPS

    They didn't check anything from what I could see. Alignment was over 1" toe out on one sled.
  3. Yamifan

    Setting up the ‘24 LTX-GT EPS

    We lost all the oil out of the rear shock on the wife's sled due to the plug not being tightened from factory....charge tube clamps weren't very tight...found a couple zerks in the skids were installed cockeyed...wasn't any lube on pivot points in skids....list goes on. Check every nut and...
  4. Yamifan

    How many miles did you get on your sled this season 2022-2023?

    The wife and I hit the UP and Northern WI 6 times this season logging 2540 miles on the sleds and 6000 miles on my truck getting there. Lucky to hit great snow every time.
  5. Yamifan

    2024 SRX Is Beautiful!!

    I love it. Owned a 1980 Exciter and SRX. Two 2022 LTX GT's might just go on the auction block.
  6. Yamifan

    2023 SRX in person looks??

    I would sell my 22 LTX GT in a heartbeat if I could land a 23 SRX...that blue looks amazing in the sun. Saw two out riding yesterday.
  7. Yamifan

    Sidewinder speedo accuracy

    Last ride my speedo just ticked 119 when I backed out of it on a rail grade. The max speed stored on the gps was 116.
  8. Yamifan

    Snow Tracker nervous steering quandry

    Because the stock skags were darting. I like to ride hard and had Aggressive Snow Trackers on my EPS Apex and they worked flawlessly. Went same direction with this sled. They are working on wife's sled with stock springs. Only spring I haven't stiffened up yet on mine is the center. If that...
  9. Yamifan

    Snow Tracker nervous steering quandry

    Ordered the AC 160/260#
  10. Yamifan

    Snow Tracker nervous steering quandry

    Guess I will see what the heavier center spring does first and it that doesn't fix it then I'll try trimming.
  11. Yamifan

    Snow Tracker nervous steering quandry

    I'm fairly certain I've caused the issue by springing the sled for my weight. Have identical machine for the wife with the same Aggressive Snow Trackers with all stock springs and she says hers is perfect and not to change a thing.
  12. Yamifan

    Snow Tracker nervous steering quandry

    I've got my skis (LTX GT EPS with aggressive trackers) as close to zero as I can get with the sled sitting on the floor. It's still a little "nervous". I need less ski pressure I assume. Will the Cat heavy center spring accomplish that? I'm a svelte 300# with 22# torsion springs on the rear...
  13. Yamifan

    Cheap ways to carry Boostane?

    The 16oz Boostane cans have a good seal. I've carried them in the tunnel bag with no leaking.
  14. Yamifan

    New Sidewinder owner - First Impressions/Accessories/Problems/Questions

    I travel 500 miles one way to ride so wanted bolt in tested and proven setups...don't like to waste time on vacation jacking around tuning myself. I told Tim/Terry at Thunder what I had for measured offset and they machined the secondaries, put their helix, rollers and springs in and sent me...
  15. Yamifan

    New Sidewinder owner - First Impressions/Accessories/Problems/Questions

    On our 22's I found zero lubrication on any pivot points. I pulled both skids and greased every pivot point I could. I found the bearings are from China so I replaced the top 2 bearings (since I had skids out) with Timken. Also pulled ski bolts and lubed. Alignment was off on both sleds. (1...
