Recent content by YukonMP

  1. YukonMP

    what is the Solo Snowing Kit for the Phazer?

    Good one Sherlock, it baffled me but I remember now.
  2. YukonMP

    Coolant additives

    Water Wetter makes no mention of raising the boiling point of the coolant in their product description. Anybody know where I can find out by how much?
  3. YukonMP

    Engine oil and gear oil

    The above reminds me ... make sure the old filter gasket comes off so you don't end up with a leak. Unrelated but since you are new to all of this never turn the primary backwards.
  4. YukonMP

    Engine oil and gear oil

    I have a 2014 with 19821kms on it ... all ice fishing here from the house. I'm sure you'll get good advice from my elders/betters around here but I would get those fluids every couple years anyway. I was a complete rookie ten years ago and can handle those jobs easily. For sure you want to do...
  5. YukonMP

    2016 vk pro hard to put in reverse

    We'll be checking that out Jim Bob, thanks.
  6. YukonMP

    Getting unstuck with the VK Pro

    This is a bit of a special case ... ice fishing alone and getting stuck in overflow. Break out the ice screw, 50 foot main line, Pirsig loops and rope come-along. Remove jacket, yer not going to need it in about two minutes.
  7. YukonMP

    Studs caught snow flap, what did I break?

    When you say 'seems like the track is locked up' what is that based on. Or was it not going into gear? I'd be lifting up the rear and seeing if the track is free. See if you can turn the secondary. Likely the belt is not at rest at the top.
  8. YukonMP

    best replacement Starter in canada

    There are a few parts on our sleds that OEM is the way to go. I expect that will be the consensus in this case.
  9. YukonMP

    Flashing Green drive light while in motion

    A little background. I had pulled the sled too deep into the parking spot and backed it up. In this instance I shut it off in reverse which I have done in the past without issue. So after reading your post I lifted up the track and spun the secondary by hand and established it was in forward...
  10. YukonMP

    Flashing Green drive light while in motion

    Hey Mooseman. You got a like on a four year old post because it worked ... I needed this yesterday. Thanks.
  11. YukonMP

    New member, fairly new rider, 07 Apex Mountain SE

    I think that is a fair generalization, as is the general observation that taller lugs result in lessor cooling in packed conditions.
  12. YukonMP

    New member, fairly new rider, 07 Apex Mountain SE

    Beware that the taller track lugs may limit the cooling effectiveness, scratchers likely advisable. See how it goes ... Water Wetter helps a bit.
  13. YukonMP

    Phazer 500 mtx 07 - charging issues

    That is brutal man.
  14. YukonMP

    Letting go of drive at full power

    It must be something having support like that at home. LOL
  15. YukonMP

    drive locked up solid not moving what to look for

    I continue to be amazed at how helpful and knowledgeable some of the members here are ... nice job Mooseman.
