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Search results

  1. gems4sale

    4200 on a set of slids but...

    Put 4200KM on a set of slides before they wore out. They wore 90% in the first 500 KM and the last 10% took another 3700 to wear through. I seen a guy with larger wheels he got through Yamaha he told me. They were covered in a thicker rubber. He said he has no more slider issues with the...
  2. gems4sale

    09 ball joints

    Don't be so sure! Yamaha has had the slider wear issues for 4 years now. The 5'th year is comming up and the fools have done nothing to change this. Its only a matter of putting on the correct size boggie wheels. My bushings are worn out in the ski spindles but the ball joints seem OK after...
  3. gems4sale

    Anti-ratchet drivers?

    We have run extraverts for years , no loss of speed !!! You can run the track looser , turns easier , it will be faster and no slider wear issues ! I'm here to tell you that running anti ratchet drivers and a looser track does not take away the slide wearing issues at all. I beg to differ...
  4. gems4sale

    Sorry, gotta vent.....

    I remember now Al Unser Jr had a turbo before... I seen it in a magazine article. It would be neat for one of those guys to give a write up about the sleds today...
  5. gems4sale

    Sorry, gotta vent.....

    JDS1000 wrote "I keep reading about guys burning sliders with thier Apex's and Nytros and I wonder what do you guys ride on? I put 4500 miles on my Apex before changing them and they still were only half worn. I now have 3500 miles on the wifes Nytro and they still have half left. What am I...
  6. gems4sale

    I seen something yesterday that made me proud to own Yamaha.

    LoL Yes they must... What we really need is those HID headlights! Then we could see farther than 40 feet ahead when going 100 mph at night. LoL
  7. gems4sale

    Fuel economy.

    On hard icy trails yesterday I could see 103mph for flashes on the long straights. If there is a little snow I can't get over 98 MPH. 1.5 track 114 studs. When I'm running out on the river ice riding hard I'm getting about the same as Turk. I have been down to 88 miles with only a drop left...
  8. gems4sale

    I seen something yesterday that made me proud to own Yamaha.

    I was looking at a guys 05 Artic Cat yesterday. His hand and thumb warmers, high low beam were on the throttle side of handle bars...LoL I couldn't believe it. He told me he had to let right off the throttle or drive with one hand and reach over to adjust anything. The brake resivoir was on...
  9. gems4sale

    Fuel economy.

    Have to give the thumbs up to the Nytro for fuel economy. I get the best mileage of anyone I ride with. Haven't driven with any e-Tec 600's. I don't drive trying to save gas. I'm normally trying to spin up snow for cooling. Have no problem with the regular tank. I've gone on 120 mile runs...
  10. gems4sale

    Sorry, gotta vent.....

    I heard only good things about the 1200 doo? I'm up to 4600 km's on the XTX Nytro. I'm not so sure I love the Simmons ski's. The make the steering very heavy on warmer days. Stock ski's are almost better if you have a sore shoulder...LoL Buddy who has over 3000 miles on a Nytro with no...
  11. gems4sale

    Nytro riders that came from Apex

    ProX2 I loved the proX2. The increased height of the seat was good. I wished it was around 4" taller. WOT for extended periods = broken belt, this was my biggest issue. The 800 Liberty was a dog compared to the 600CC. Handling the trail junk the ProX2 did with ease. Flying off drop offs...
  12. gems4sale

    Nytro riders that came from Apex

    Apex likes open space. Nyrto no good in icy conditions. I started out with the XTX yesterday but all I could smell was the new slides I just put on burning off. The snow had a slight crust and wasn't lubricating good enough so I went home and got out the APEX GT LTX. It had worn in slides...
  13. gems4sale


    This was basically the same for me but it was more the conditions when I was first driving it. Now I love it!
  14. gems4sale

    I had a hard time in the deep snow with XTX (pixs)

    I found that I was getting great top speed on the deep fluff yesterday. Going through the drifts was just like riding on water as another post mentioned like on a boat. I was getting 80 mph when I held her in the rough drifts and that was bouncing through the drifts. 1.5" track with Avid...
  15. gems4sale

    Whats the best goggles out there?

    I've tried these Scott Voltage X thermamax out as well. They do fit around the face well and block wind sufficiently. They don't work for your glasses not fogging up. I wore a regular bacalava with another wind deflector over that in a CKX chrome MX helmut. It was as stated above cooler but...
  16. gems4sale

    XTX ride review

    Put on 290 km yesterday. Mostly on ungroomed trails and on fresh powder on lakes. Was loving the feeling on corners. On the worst trails I was especially happy I wasn't riding my Apex. I never take the Apex out anymore. I heard it mentioned above if your a cruser get an Apex. I don't...
  17. gems4sale

    Will Darting be More Pronounced on Hard, Icy Trails?

    I have 1300 km on my XTX now. Running Simmons ski's on icy groomed trails I experience no darting problems. When I'm traveling over broken icy trail I'm fine at any speed. We've had a lot of rain after a bit of snow so off trail there is a coating of ice. Darting is scary here to say the...
  18. gems4sale

    Nervous habit.

    On icy conditions it handles bad because of the darting... Put 277 miles on during the last two days. On the trails freshly groomed or fresh snow the sled handles great. To rail corners you slow down before the corner and throttle through the corner. After your past the apex you can put down...
  19. gems4sale

    2008 FX Nytro Top Speed - Actual Results

    I jumped ahead of the Apex I was racing from a stop. His sled is faster than my Apex LTX GT. I have the 1.5 track,from a stop I don't think any stock Apex will jump me when on something where I can hook up. Out of the hole I find that nothing is jumping ahead except heavily modded sleds...
  20. gems4sale

    500 mile service

    I tightened up my chain and track tonight. I'd do it before 500 miles on a new sled. My track was stretched a lot as was the chain. 1/4 turn back from finger tight. Then tighten it up with a 14mm and 12mm. Track is 3/4" and 11/16" wrench along with a 14mm ratchet deep socket with an...
