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Nervous habit.


Dec 20, 2008
Hampton N.B. Canada
It seems to be there. If others don't feel it then perhaps it's with thier shock set up or ski's/carbides. Or maybe they don't drive as agressive as they think. When I decide to turn the front seems to want to dive on one side like one ski catches and you feel like it could flip you. I'm talking at 80 or 90 MPH then chopping the throttle and maybe a bit of brake. It feels a little harder to control while braking as well. Harder to control your skid. You really need to be pointing in the right direction before nailing her. Pulls harder than any sled I've owned! I feel a bit nervous because of how close I sit over the ski's when it comes to slowing down and cutting corners compared to any sled I've owned so far. I never mentioned it to my frend who has an RTX Apex. He tried it and told me to watch out for what I'm trying to describe. He says it feel like it catches on one ski. Same sort of feeling, it reacts so much faster than what I'm use to. I ground for 1/2 hr on my old carbides from last year. I put them back on as with new 60 degree carbides they would catch really bad and this feeling was not good.HeHe


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Happened to me also, got on one ski, and then the other, then passed over the handlebars... :| sled flipped 3-4 times as my friend told me...
I blame the floats. Last year I couldn't get the front end to turn when I wanted to, made for some interesting corners. Putting new skis on changed that, turns on a dime now, but yeah, rolls to one side. For me its giving evvvveeerrrr so slightly and then BAM, the shock collapses completely jacking me up on one side and keeping me in the air. Scary feeling, I've been told a revalve of the floats fixes this. Not sure if you have them on yours or not.
gotta learn not to chop the throttle on the fourstroke. bewteen more centralized mass over the skis, the back shift and the engine braking (even with the braking reducer on the nytros) you put too much weight on the skis, when you turn, it plants the skis hard, the inside ski lifts and if you cant control it, away you go.

one of the things required riding technique change with rider forward AND fourstroke technology. ski
I'll second skidooboy's advice. I've noticed that riding the Nytro in the corners requires blipping the throttle as you enter the corner to offset the engine braking a little, otherwise there's so much ski pressure that if you catch anything, or aren't the smoothest with your steering, you get "bucked" and chance high-siding the sled. I find that I still ride my Nytro like I used to ride my REV, with a little extra throttle + brake into the corners to keep the sled on an even keel. The brakes on the XTX are very sensitive and have great feel. I rarely find I need to lock them up for any reason. Just a little drag on the brake lever and a little throttle balanced with it and I find the XTX can keep up with any sled in the corners..
On icy conditions it handles bad because of the darting...

Put 277 miles on during the last two days. On the trails freshly groomed or fresh snow the sled handles great. To rail corners you slow down before the corner and throttle through the corner. After your past the apex you can put down more throttle until you can go WFO.

What I find is the sled reacts extremely quicky to driver input. Sometimes when you push too hard into a corner and get out too far on the other side, this is where the sled feels tippy. Especially when you have to let out of the throttle. Can't drive this sled the old way sliding brakes into a corner. Slow before the corner then excellerate around the corner like mentioned above. All racing is like this.

I was flying today on the trails. Was keeping well ahead of the other guys when I was out front... It was icy but groomed and well traveled. When I got to the lake on fresh snow it was completely different. The 600 Dragon I was with dissapeared into the horizon out of sight. I couldn't go past 60mph in a straight line. It had snowed 10" then rained all night a couple days ago. I'm sure alot of readers got the same storm. It was crusty on top with powder underneath. I have Simmons ski's which help a bit. My friend asked why I was driving so slow. His Polaris didn't dart and had Simmons as well. At the same time today they said I was suicidal the speed I was driving on trail but I was't pushing super hard. My hands are almost blistered in a couple spots from sweating. I only wore a poliester t shirt under my FXR suit with vents open...

The polaris went off trail and hit a tree. Bent a ski. Was tippy so I lowered his preload and softened his compression two clicks. Then he ran into another guy we were with and tore his front end up.

The other Yamaha Apex we had with us had camshafts ZX2 suspension Bender exhaust. His clutching wasn't set right as he was only hitting 10,200 rpm. His air box was gutted and fitted to R1 throttle bodies which are bigger. More air = more power. He was supposidly pushing 185 HP. He didn't really want to race because of his clutching. He seen 132 MPH on the speedo on the lake last week.

I've got a date with a couch after a hot bath.
I read in a magasine here in sweden that when he lowerd the rebound to a minimum the sled handled alot better. Might be something to try..?? I mean its a 10 sec turn of 2 knobs....

Check your toe-out, etc etc....

As alot have said, never brake in to the corner. Brake before the corner. My -08 was impossible when braking in the corners. The only time that works is when you drive more point and shoot because you will have to slow things down quite a bit not to have the skis in the air doing this... Although our trails are ALOT narrower and are not smooth at all so the drivingstiles might not be the same...
