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  1. blown apex

    2023 SRX deliveries-

    if you dont mind what order claim code was yours sps?????
  2. blown apex

    what track to put on 2023 srx

    on this graph from 40 up the grey graph looks faster every were or is this a rpm to mph example
  3. blown apex

    what track to put on 2023 srx

    on the srx 137 how many have removed the adjuster block completely for more transfer i read it some were is this bad in any way
  4. blown apex

    When is it too much???

    well my dumpster service just doubled and was 2 times a week and now 1 time a week so i think it quadrupled may have to not stock anything and build when ordered with full payment my electric bills all went up 30% suposed to go to 3x thats 300%
  5. blown apex

    what track to put on 2023 srx

    21/41= 1.95 ratio srx 24/50=2.08 ratio thundercat i know what this means on a car but what is the real final ratio after the drivers and clutches and track height how much mph will this alone knock off and will this be harder on belts just say with stock 1 " 2 ply track studded 144 for now
  6. blown apex

    what track to put on 2023 srx

    isnt the stock 1 inch track 1 ply
  7. blown apex

    what track to put on 2023 srx

    so i think im sold on ice storm 150 but it only has 144 ice picks i think the ice attak xt has 244 all the ice tracks are 1 ply so i dont know what to thinkl
  8. blown apex

    what track to put on 2023 srx

    what is stock gearing is thundercat a 137 x 1 1/4 track with 2.86 pitch
  9. blown apex

    Only on this Winder haha

    it scared its seeing what you did to the other one
  10. blown apex

    2023 SRX deliveries-

    i wonder if some one could figure out if and how they are being sent out in the claim code order by the numbers or maybe people that got one could post there claim numbers or time they got confirmation the number system has to mean something
  11. blown apex

    what track to put on 2023 srx

    how much slower will the ripsaw 2 1.5" be 2 ply im really interested in the ice storm 150 but its 1 ply or ice cobra 1.6 but again 1 ply may be ice attak xt but its 1 1/4 and 1 ply i think 1 ply to 2 ply what the real life difference i ride 5000 a year usually
  12. blown apex

    what track to put on 2023 srx

    what track to put on my new 2023 srx i like ice attak xt and the ice storm 150 or should i just 144 stud the 1" track and try it this is 1st sidewinder ive owned always had apexs with ice attak tracks aggressive riding with a tune later and any durability problems with the 2 tracks as i ride...
  13. blown apex

    09 Apex - Track replacement need help with tightening bolt

    i use a big crescent wrench(adjustable wrench) and pry bar in clutch to hold it
  14. blown apex

    wtb stryke skies

    wtb stryke skies black or black with blue handles thanks
  15. blown apex

    stryke ski part #

    does anyone know the part # for stryke skies in black or i would like to buy some all black or black with blue handles thanks
  16. blown apex

    Replacement Apex Engine Source?

    sounds like rings sticking yamaha had a additive called ring free or use sea foam in a few tanks do a leak down and listen in exhaust and intake to see if valves are leaking check valve clearance i have 3 apex xtx 11/12/14 all over 20000 miles and they run great and never adjusted valves yet i...
  17. blown apex

    2023 accessories catalog still says 2022

    should i buy windshields for my 2023 srx from the 2022 catalog or wait for 2023 catalog to buy to see if things change or buy now if supply is short also i think i want the gt tall SMA-8LR96-20-SM one and put mirrors on it but im afraid it might be too big or should i do the medium...
  18. blown apex

    Adjusting toe on a Sidewinder

    on my apex i just loosened outer nut removed tie rod from spindle and turned it left inner alone i toed it in to zero toe for snow trackers it only took 1/2 turn out each side i unscrewed one and theres a lot of threads left sidwinder i dont know ill find out when i get my 2023 srx i may try...
  19. blown apex

    2023 srx studs

    so is the 2023 1 "track a single ply or 2 ply
  20. blown apex

    2023 srx studs

    what brand how many for trail riding a stock one {wife} how many for 240hp tuned one (me) what length for 1 " track were do i buy them from mostly trail riding for safety i also dont really like studs on outside of rails as ive pulled them out before on apexs maybe for the cost of studs i...
