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  1. lenman20

    rs rage lost cylinder

    it seems like middle cylinder is fine it has compression and i inspected the valves when i removed the carbs didn't notice any thing. I plane on working on it tomorrow afternoon hopefully i figure it out
  2. lenman20

    rs rage lost cylinder

    middle cylinder is not firing with our without the chock. waiting on two new fuel pumps to show up. hope that works already missed a trip this weekend.:die
  3. lenman20

    rs rage lost cylinder

    yes center bowl was full when i pulled the carbs . and after i started it up and ran it i loosened the bottom bowl screw it had filled up with fuel. im not sure why fuel isn't moving on from there
  4. lenman20

    rs rage lost cylinder

    thank you metallicat lol like that name. i will start there
  5. lenman20

    rs rage lost cylinder

    (update) i do have spark in center cylinder. but no fuel. plug is dry. i removed carbs cleaned out bowls all looks good reinstalled and same #*$&@ im at a lose. any suggestions are appreciated.
  6. lenman20

    rs rage lost cylinder

    the electrical plugs cannot reach any other spots so its not possible to have messed up location
  7. lenman20

    rs rage lost cylinder

    i did not. didn't realize each coil had a cylinder #
  8. lenman20

    rs rage lost cylinder

    hello need a little help. i lost center cylinder. engine runs real rough. i thought is was a plug but not the case. moving on replaced plugs no luck. moving on replaced coil boot that didn't work .doesn't appears to be blown up cylinder still has life left appears to be electrical what would be...
  9. lenman20

    Donut Replace on Vector

    o5 rage about 7000 miles never done them yet. I check every year still not ready to be replaced
  10. lenman20

    blowing belts

    maybe ask this question in engine & clutches
  11. lenman20

    blowing belts

    hope you figure it out let us know when you do
  12. lenman20

    blowing belts

    how does your belt sit in the secondary. are you sure you did not break a motor mount. something is out of alignment. how clean is the inside of the motor compartment is there sand or something. just throughing out stupid ideas good luck.
  13. lenman20

    blowing belts

    you should put your new belt in the dish washer. some times it help. in fact put your secondary in also and if you have a clutch tool put the primary in also. should be nice and clean. do this when the women are not around they wont like it.
  14. lenman20

    blowing belts

    Get your hands on a clutch allingnment tool. Check you motor mounts. Some thing is up. Maybe broke a spring
  15. lenman20

    PICS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW

    lol thecatman
  16. lenman20

    Let me say Hello again....it's been a while

    man have you owned a lot of sleds good for you. i own two over the last 15 years 99 sx 600 and a rage 05 we will see if i neeeed a new one on wednesday
  17. lenman20

    When was the last time you checking your bushings

    not sure how i posted twice?
  18. lenman20

    When was the last time you checking your bushings

    I hope every on takes a look because they were a lot worse than i ever imagined
  19. lenman20

    When was the last time you checking your bushings

    i just cheaked ulmers kit is cheeper than yamaha to replace dam i wish i could cancel my order
  20. lenman20

    When was the last time you checking your bushings

    looks like the two front lower arm bolt wholes are a little opend up. the rest look ok
