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Search results

  1. rb2001srx700

    2024 Prototypes and Spy Photos

    Black and gold SRX behind the fire with new gauge?
  2. rb2001srx700

    2024 Prototypes and Spy Photos

    Not trying to start anything. I still like my Viper but would like if they could fix the current issues with the starting. Yes in 2020 they changed the front geometry. They added power steering to the sidewinders. All in all I should have bought a sidewinder then I would not have to complain...
  3. rb2001srx700

    bad Starter?

    I have a 2010 RS Vector LTX GT. Same issue. Ran it around the yard with no issues. Then bam. Sled won't start. Did the same as you. Jump the solenoid, and no go. Into the garage she went and started project starter. After about 2 1/2 hours we had the starter out and it is frozen tight. I have...
  4. rb2001srx700

    2020 viper have new Ecu mapping

    Has anyone tried to put an ECU from a Vector or Nytro on a 2020 Viper? Just curious if you need to reprogram them for the 2020 or if you can plug and play? Will it mess with the timing?
  5. rb2001srx700

    2024 Prototypes and Spy Photos

    failing meaning BNG and can't get a new sled because they only make a small amount of them...... If I can get a winder I would rather go that route then a Ski doo. But used prices are off in left field..
  6. rb2001srx700

    2024 Prototypes and Spy Photos

    I should have stated the year. 2020
  7. rb2001srx700

    2024 Prototypes and Spy Photos

    I like my SR Viper but wish it had Mitsubishi ECU. Even with a new battery it still has an issue starting in the mornings. Can we just get the ECU's from Japan again. Upgrade the engines for turbos. It's a great trail sled, but after you are used to it you always want more power. If Yamaha fails...
  8. rb2001srx700

    Stub shaft measurements.

    Thanks guys. I really appreciate the help. Merry Christmas everyone RB
  9. rb2001srx700

    Stub shaft measurements.

    okay I finally was able to look at it. Another question I have is the bearing inner race has some play. I checked other bearing and they have zero play in the inner race and the bearings. Could this have been damaged when the belt blew? I can hold the housing and move the stub shaft slightly up...
  10. rb2001srx700

    Stub shaft measurements.

    Hello Guys, I had a question about the stub shaft and the bearing. We are going to tackle this shortly because the bearing moved in the housing. One thing I could not find is what the measurement from the front of the stub shaft is to the bearing. Is there a stop on the stub shaft that does not...
  11. rb2001srx700

    Ski adjustment for Snow Trackers??

    I am looking at a set for my 2020 viper. How do they fare on blacktop? There were a few roads I crossed and wiped out the regular skaggs in a hurry. Thanks for the feed back
  12. rb2001srx700

    Chain case

    maybe. I did not count the threads on the bolt. but the sidewinder has 6 threads showing. It will be a while before I can get a count on mine, but will follow up when I can.
  13. rb2001srx700

    New flash?

    I spoke with a tech that works on Yamaha sleds. he suggests to replace the battery in the fall and see what that does. I am hoping to solve the warm starting issues. I did not ask about what battery to get. I was wondering if anyone here had any tips on that. What works better for a battery?
  14. rb2001srx700

    Chain case

    Hello TY, I had a question for the guys using the Chain tensioner tool from BOP. Watching his video, it shows how to install and use the rod to see how much tension is on the chain and how much it moved. My question is I tried to install that bolt which was fine. I just could not install the...
  15. rb2001srx700

    Check your chaincase chain adjuster!

    Silly question. 2020 SR Vipers. Should we weld the tensioner bolts on them as well or is this just a winder issue?
  16. rb2001srx700

    New flash?

    I was told by my dealer that the 2020 had the latest flash. I still have issues from time to time with the warm starts and if my battery is not fully charged cold starts can be an issue. So if there is another flash to fix that I am in.
  17. rb2001srx700

    2023 Yamaha Snowmobile line up

    Already sold out on anything I would have tried to get. Just wondering if everyone that did not get their 22 sleds were offered the option to get a 23 before they opened the sales. Or are they only producing 10 sleds of each model so they guarantee the customers their sleds? Just curious.
  18. rb2001srx700

    Yamaha Viper Side Panel Decals/Graphics

    just tell the buyer it is prepped for a wrap kit :cool:
  19. rb2001srx700

    Xs825 belt break in

    with the XS belt being thicker. That would affect your top end shift out right. Wondering if that put too much on the secondary on a long pull and caused it to overheat the belt? Primary pulling and secondary not being able to let the belt sink down anymore. That would be the only difference in...
  20. rb2001srx700

    Anyone looking for TY 20th Anniversary Gear??? We have some left..

    I will send you the payment shortly. Ty
