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  1. DooZ

    2022 real world results

    You'd have to wrap that boring looking b!tch
  2. DooZ

    AFR too high; how much more fuel pressure is needed?

    Any negatives to jacking fp to 52? Idle, midrange, fuel fill-ups, etc?
  3. DooZ

    Data Log Sample - Feedback

    This thread may be a good candidate to be pinned to the top of the forum. Just a thought
  4. DooZ

    AFR too high; how much more fuel pressure is needed?

    I know this has been brought up, but with PEFI response, and the chance of another expensive rebuild if something goes wrong, why not just bite the bullet and switch tunes. Sounds like you're already throwing money at it as a bandaid with the fpr. I'm sure there's a TD/Hurricane tune that will...
  5. DooZ

    Earth X battery

    Which model?
  6. DooZ

    2022 real world results

    I know he didn't get 30K, but I bet 10K over what he paid...US $$$ btw The Mach may not end up being the best competition, but I give Doo some credit for at least trying to push the envelope. Mike I think your tune would be different if Doo would've used the 1200 motor for their turbo sled...I...
  7. DooZ

    2022 real world results

    You are probably aware of the one on DT that was listed @ $30K and sold
  8. DooZ

    Lets us see those lovely Tapp Primarys on your Sidewinders

    You prefer the Yami to the Cat secondary?
  9. DooZ

    Lets us see those lovely Tapp Primarys on your Sidewinders

    What's the consensus....Over/Under $1,500.00 all in setup? Clearly Tapp is bringin' the What happened to Pro-4, not much chatter 'bout his stuff lately.
  10. DooZ

    Powerbloc 80 clutch review

    Does anyone know the limit (hp wise) to this clutch?
  11. DooZ

    Check your chaincase chain adjuster!

    "The chaincase's" are the same, the gearing is different within the chaincases for each brand.
  12. DooZ

    2022 oil tank sealant.

    unfortunately they're just changing the bandaid of a sh!t design.
  13. DooZ

    Octane Booster

    Isn't more than needed always Over indulgence with the booster won't hurt anything.
  14. DooZ


    I didn't understand why he was hanging off the back the way he was, but I do know he is one of the fastest drivers in the snow outlaws. Not riding like that
  15. DooZ


    They are supposed to be studded the same...but don't know if that was the case
  16. DooZ

    Much talked about mach z sidewinder race

    Sounds like stand alone's (plug & play) may be quite popular
  17. DooZ

    Turbo smart BOV

    Sounds like a bad one...can you return? I like what tommcat offers, but $300+?
  18. DooZ

    Turbo smart BOV

    I've put 20+ psi to my TS BOV with minimal leakage. It did require good tight clamps. One good clamp and a cheapo & a zip tie didn't cut
  19. DooZ

    Performance mufflers

    Like Justinator said above, I bet your mod stock with 3" all the way through would have shown more significant gains. Your buddy is running the header into a stock can?
