Octane Booster

3oz Stainless flask will do the job... Readily available.

That’s a perfect idea! I ordered three of them last night from eBay.
Don't forget, your gas station might not have switched to crap winter gas formula yet. :dunno:
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That’s a perfect idea! I ordered three of them last night from eBay.
Are you planning on only ever dumping all or maybe half of the flask in the tank? I don't see a good way of measuring out what is needed out of a flask.
Isn't more than needed always better...lol Over indulgence with the booster won't hurt anything.
Are you planning on only ever dumping all or maybe half of the flask in the tank? I don't see a good way of measuring out what is needed out of a flask.

Maybe. When I fill them I can measure out 2.5 oz into them. No reason to overthink it really. 2.5 oz is not that much, really nothing and why I'm surprised it works so well.

Just nice not to have to carry a larger bottle like I had been doing.
Yes, I appreciate your review of it justinator. It was you that turned me on to it in the first place.

Its just so hard for me to imagine that such a very small amount can do so much. Its the best stuff I've run to date, and using such a small amount is VERY cost effective. When I ran the number in the calculator on the phone app, I thought it was a mistake. I thought there's no way this stuff is going to work, but it sure seems to work awesome.

I'm going to need to find some small steel 2 or 3 oz bottles to throw in the trunk so I can have it on the trail for fill ups.
I carry a couple little 2 oz HDPE plastic bottles. Same plastic your red plastic gas cans are made of. If I get suspicious gas, I add 2 oz.
I think most of us can tell when we're out in boonies away from "good" gas and have to buy whatever they have. I've pulled away from a number of those gas stations and the deto light starts flashing like Xmas so I know I got last summer's 87 octane outboard gas.
Do you guy the Boostane is made of?
in canada the best ratio for BUSTANEto remember is 1oz<4 ltrs (@ 1 gallon).... this gives you 98 octane with 91 pump or 94 with 87 pump octane, which when you think of it is prob closer to what you get since no one up in the rurual arreas that we run uses premium and the fuel in the tanks has probably staled dwn to 87-89 anyway... so even at 94-98 is safe for all tunes.
which when you think of it is prob closer to what you get since no one up in the rurual arreas that we run uses premium and the fuel in the tanks has probably staled dwn to 87-89 anyway...
I'm surprised you say that cause your not to far in Ontario.

In Quebec with most people ridding ski-doos which have big white number 91 on their gas cap. Its all 91 octane at the pumps in rural areas. Even middle of nowhere place I have been that needs to bring the fuel in summer. It all starts as 91.
I drained my tuned SW fuel tank this fall and put it in my truck.
I purchased 5 imp gallons of fresh 91 octane from a busy fuel station, added 8 oz of Torco octane booster, poured it in my tank then took the sled out for a ride.
The amount of Torco I added should be 94+ octane and has normally been enough.
Sled, as always, ran great except...
240 tune no knock
270 tune no knock
300 tune knock lights instantly on full throttle launches.
Thank goodness for Hurricanes knock protection!
I then added 8oz more of Torco,for a total of 16oz/5 gallon mix, and repeated the runs.
300 tune NO knock even on long pulls.
Moral of this story...Pump fuel Octane is an unknown...always have extra octane booster when riding tuned 998s.

What is the name of the app you are using Knapp? is it the boostane app or something else?
What is the name of the app you are using Knapp? is it the boostane app or something else?

Yes, its the Boostane app.
Here is mixing chart for Boostane.


  • Mixing-Chart-oz_gal-BOOSTane.png
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