Lets us see those lovely Tapp Primarys on your Sidewinders

What's the consensus....Over/Under $1,500.00 all in setup?
Clearly Tapp is bringin' the bling...lol
What happened to Pro-4, not much chatter 'bout his stuff lately.

Last I heard the Pro-4 stuff was hard to get. I'll have a Pro-4 secondary for sale shortly.
You prefer the Yami to the Cat secondary?

Either one, there is really no difference. I just don't want all these clutches sitting on the shelf. I also have a Viper clutch I tried sitting on the shelf which is good too, but there is nothing wrong with the stock winder secondary unlike the winder primary clutch.
Regarding the performance of the TAPP, I notice several things as compared to the cat primary:

# 1 - engages smoother from idle
# 2 - shifts really quick especially from a roll
# 3 - is much quieter than the stock clutch
# 4 - certainly easier to adjust

Is it worth all the extra cost? If you are running a stock sled or slightly boosted, probably not. With 300hp or more, I think it is needed long term since it is designed to handle lots of HP. The stock clutch can barely handle stock HP.

It is also pretty to look at. LOL
