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  1. DooZ

    Walbro gss342

    I understand the increase in performance from a larger turbo & supporting hardware, but I don't believe they can run that amount of boost on pump with stock components. Would love to see some logs on
  2. DooZ

    Walbro gss342

    I would love to see the 20 & 22 psi proven with our great 91 in N WI....I think I smell bull----
  3. DooZ

    RIP John Dee

    If you're a Midwestern snowmobiler you knew who John Dee was...RIP Brother
  4. DooZ

    Ultimax vs G FORCE BELT

    Ok I'm Anyone have the G-Force part # for the alternative to the XS827?
  5. DooZ

    Alpha intake question

    Is there a prefilter included (the blue sock in Spec's pic)?
  6. DooZ

    Something wicked this way comes....

    We need cold before snow.
  7. DooZ

    Two-Stroke..... Said I'd never buy another but.....

    @KnappAttack with the #'s you ran back in the day with the 700, where does it compare today? Improved 600? Your wife bought it for nostalgia, you have to get it back looking like the sled you raced. I remember that PSI catalog, and Snow Week was the best.
  8. DooZ

    1" track for hard pack racing

    Also very easy to touch up with a small grinder
  9. DooZ

    1" track for hard pack racing

    The angled backers are an advantage as well. Tough to beat a holeshot in a short distance.
  10. DooZ

    1" track for hard pack racing

    Short lug, long studs works well for hardpack. Look at the holeshot @Trailleader gets with his track/stud set-up. I can't say it's the most trail friendly, but it works.
  11. DooZ

    Chain Tensioner Mount Wear?

    Adds weight to your pile
  12. DooZ

    Engine rebuild videos

    That's great...I wish I had the skills.
  13. DooZ

    Sidewinder or something different.

    I agree with Jon, if all I was doing is banging ditches/off trail I'd be looking for a 2 smoker
  14. DooZ

    Ringer boost at weenie roast lakewoods

    Any competitive 998's?
  15. DooZ

    Big warmup of 2023 here already???

    A good 6-7" in Minocqua today on top of 12"+ from last week.
  16. DooZ

    Max Spool 17 vs. Max Spool 20

    I've run 19 on the trail quite a bit and have never seen higher than normal temps....must just be the ice/no cooling thing. Maybe it's just me, but 19 feels stronger than 20 on my butt Dyno.
  17. DooZ

    SRX's have arrived...

    How are those Mach Z's running? When do you have time to ride all that stuff...A great problem to
  18. DooZ

    Red necks and dirty hands

    Do these guys run with you?
  19. DooZ

    td mod stock turbo

    Too much talk about Mod Stock
  20. DooZ

    td mod stock turbo

    I'm surprised there isn't more info on modstocks or bigger turbos. With as long as this motor has been around, you would think some would have pushed the power levels by now.
