RIP John Dee

Looked forward to his reports for the last 30yrs. Can't believe it.....
Sad story. John was a great guy and huge promoter for our sport. RIP.
If you're a Midwestern snowmobiler you knew who John Dee was...RIP Brother
A big loss for so many. Met him and his family last year at the Dreamland Bar. I felt as if I'd known him my whole life since I'd been reading his journals for 20 ought years. Very sad.
There's no official word on that yet. I live in Rochester (where he died at the Mayo Clinic) and the rumor (and maybe not more than that) is he had leukemia and had been receiving treatment for such for some time at Mayo. Apparently, it's in his family as his brother also died from it.
Again, I am not wanting to spread anything that's not true but here in Rochester, that is the word on the street. Poor guy. He will be missed. Terrible to pass at 57. RIP John.
OMG! I thought it was an auto accident. They showed a car absolutely crushed in the short news feed. I assumed that was his. Idk?!?!
He’s had heart trouble in the past. Obituary says he passed away unexpectedly after undergoing an evaluation for a heart transplant
Thank you better info. I didn't see that.
So sad to hear, he will be missed by many. Condolences to his loved ones and Godspeed to John Dee.
There is a gofundme for the family. A worthy cause if there ever were one...
RIP John! You will be missed by many.......
