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    This year I'll be running my old AC jacket - got it cheap a long time agao, but it works great with no liner and a tekvest. I bought yamaha badged boots a few years ago that have been much better than regular snow boots I used to wear ( more support) I also just ordered Arctiva pants - found a...
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    clutch set up with freeride136

    The phazer I just picked up has aftermarket exhaust and 136 freeride. I was told clutch is stock. Other than vendor kits here,I haven't found a starting point for clutch set up. Anyone care to share theirs?
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    Has anyone tried one of these conversions kits yet

    Was a vector one for sale in wi Craigslist this summer. Guy from the michcanska organization has one, and brings it to shows. I'm not sure if it gets titled as a assembled vehicle or motorcycle, but its an easy process in Michigan,completely street legal.
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    Trailer guides & Cat hood I know it's the wrong time of year, but these items will get trashed if I don't give them to someone that can use them. First is a late 90s or early 2000s cat ZL hood. Graphics are ok, no headlight or anything. Pretty cracked up where the straps were. I'd say its...
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    Bought my first Yamaha!!

    After 3 years of hanging out here and giving feedback on the Phazer, Venture, Vector and e-tec I've rented - I'm happy to say I finally bought a sled!! It's a 2007 Phazer, with all the mods I wanted. Freeride 136, Schmidt exhaust, slydog skis, Float 2s, etc, etc. I bought it from zr8000-...
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    Yami Site has the 14'

    I like the Viper - but I don't think it's enough! Where is the Phazer replacement? What about a rider foward Turbo or 170+ hp sled? Is the Mountain segment dead to Yamaha? Pretty big price drop on the Nytro, must be they still had parts to build them - can't beleive they'll sell many...
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    GPS Security

    I was thinking that it'd be nice to GPS a sled so that it could be found if it was stolen, and also to communicate back to a smartphone so my family would be able to locate me if anything went awry ( I ride alone often). Has anyone seen a system that could be set up to send a signal even if the...
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    Demo Ride Schedule

    Yup, had a good time on the Vector that I rented from Meyer's 2 years ago. At that time they had the Phazer, Vector and a couple 2 strokes for rent. No Nytro.
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    Michigan Trail Signage CHANGES!!

    After more reading over the last few months I don't think the curves are going to be as badas I originally though. However, bridges will be a problem. I also know the rail trail at pellston airport drifts bad, and can be hard to see in certain lighting conditions - expect some accidents...
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    Sad to say

    You can always rent. I sold my sleds a couple years back when the maintenance got to be more of a pain than it was worth, I didn't enjoy them anymore so I unloaded. I still plan to buy when the money is available, but for now renting is nice. No maintenance, no trailering, etc. Biggest...
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    Demo Ride Schedule

    You are probably right srx, that 600 e-tec just didn't have the fun factor that the Vector motor did. I previously owned a nicely modded zrt and a zr800 - I think if I buy I'm going to need the power to be satisfied! That and the fuel and oil mileage was a big downer on the e-tec.
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    Demo Ride Schedule

    Yup, I rented the etec from fish and hunt last year. Meyer in ishpeming rented me the vector. My dealer in Indian river that I usually rent from was going to sell his phazers to rent something else, but with last years lack of snow I'm not sure his plans now.
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    Demo Ride Schedule

    Looks like I'm a renter again this year, darn financial priorities!! :o| I have 2 goals to help narrow my future purhcase decision ( maybe if I win the lottery, or at least when my kids daycare bills stop kicking my butt :Rockon: ) - 1) Ride a Nytro ( Liked the Phazer I rented, but...
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    OSM Magazine fuel, oil,a nd service comparison

    Seems like a well done article, maybe I'll subscribe - I've never heard of this magazine before. I think the next chart they show should be Total Costs - Trade in or Retail value to attain the true cost of ownership. A 2 smoke with 3K miles on it won't hold it's value anyywhere near the Apex.
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    Whats this sled worth?

    I agree, if it is the one in the CL ad it's a good price, looks like a 1.5 track, but can't tell for sure. Throw in your "buddy discount" and I'm sure it'd be a great deal on a nice sled for you :Rockon:
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    Convertible Trailer

    Instead of making a trailer, maybe you could find a way to put a 2 place sled trailer on it's side to store it? I know I've seen that done before in some pictures online, but can't find it right now. Seems like it was a pully type system that pulled the trailer over and held it against a wall so...
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    Whats this sled worth?

    I'd say 3500-4000 depending on how nice it is and what track/extension is on it. I see some going for 3K, but they are usually higher mileage or totally stock base models.
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    Hey guys!!!

    I thought it looked like a Skinz Airframe ... atkit.html
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    2013 sled preview

    I really wonder how close Yami is to pulling out of the sled market. At what point does the low volume create an unfavorable profit situation? Seems that next year will be a slow sales year for Yammi regardless of SNOW, but I do like the spring by Turbo at $1500 - that will keep people on...
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    600 E-tec Renegade review

    Yes, I was pretty disappointed with the oil and fuel mileage. The dealer claimed we'd get no less than 18MPG riding hard, and could count on 200 miles a tank, and also claimed we'd use about 2 quarts of oil every 500 miles. I posted my results on the yellow website and got 0 responses.
