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  1. justinator

    Big warmup of 2023 here already???

    I appreciate the passion many of you have for this sport. I couldnt imagine owning a snowmobile and hoping winter gives you enough snow to ride it or having to travel hrs and hrs away to ride. Thats the definition of true passion to me. With that being said, I dont know if I would could own a...
  2. justinator

    Clutching and fuel consumption

    The stock weights are a flat profile and in my experience usually net better fuel mileage.........not as responsive as a lighter more aggressive weight but usually cruise at a lower rpm. The 35/39 helix typically cruises at a lower rpm then 35 but thats not saying its better setup by any means...
  3. justinator

    Max17 First lake run....painful.

    JT, regarding the dalton springs they are not measured exactly the same. for reference dalton measured the factory sidewinder spring at 57/115........yamaha specs state its a 55/105, so I used to knock about 10kg off the dalton finish rate to see what yamaha spring was comparable. The black...
  4. justinator

    ADAPT Clutch Set Up

    The 46/44 is a bit too much pinch for the 827 ultimax im finding. Not far off but cools clutches down alot with cat belt but clutches are cooler with 58/49 when using ultimax so I have an stm torsional conversion im going to try with 58/49 and ultimax for now but im thinking with ultimax...
  5. justinator

    146" Skid on a 137" Frame

    Yes and no. If your racing shortening up the limiter straps and running the shock on firm setting help a bit. Having suspension set for trail comfort the skis will lift at will but its not an uncontrollable wheelie monster. You can ride aggressive and still keep it planted, just requires a bit...
  6. justinator

    146" Skid on a 137" Frame

    Nice skid huh? Im a huge fan of the 146.
  7. justinator

    Perplexing results today??

    Not in a perfect world, people do it all the time. You got some knock, are you 100% sure of the fuel quality? You cant be because if you cant test it you cant know. Your fuel pump could be a bit weak or regulator a bit weak causing knock easier but sled still runs good. You may have a small...
  8. justinator

    Perplexing results today??

    I understand how you feel JT, nothing is more frustrating then having something not quite right and not being able to solve it right away.I could not be a guy with a snowmobile and not have miles and miles of groomed trail in my backyard, I would lose my mind in situations like this. For now I...
  9. justinator

    Perplexing results today??

    No different than a straight pipe I suppose. Really too bad you didnt have anyone near by so you could borrow a muffler to test with but do what you gotta do.
  10. justinator

    Perplexing results today??

    Regardless of weather, you should be noticing a difference from eco to max17. You wont find the full potential of your sled in warm weather yes but should still have noticeable difference from eco to max17. You dont know anyone with a muffler you could try? If I was a betting man……..
  11. justinator

    Perplexing results today??

    You really would need to try out a different muffler to rule it out. I had a precision 2.5” muffler with a td tune bundle. Sled made proper boost on every tune except max 20 was down a bit. Sled ran well but didnt turn as much weight as I expected it too. Flashed sled with hurricane 270 and...
  12. justinator

    ADAPT Clutch Set Up

    Yes very clean sheaves and no dust with 827. With factory helix and spring I had some heat in secondary with 827, not too bad but temp went down with 46/44 and pull is instant. Glad people are starting to share some tuning info with these clutches
  13. justinator

    ADAPT Clutch Set Up

    sorry just seeing this. Im using a speedwerx 46/44 with 160/235 spring, 100/250 spring up front. Switched to 827 ultimax belt and temps are better than factory setup with both ultimax and cat belt. In my limited experience heavier setups are more forgiving, more consistant to changing conditions...
  14. justinator

    Performance Stud Stars

    Nope, dont need to use anything. They bind well to the track when you tighten them up. They wont budge. Wait a day or 2 for soapy water to dry up and try to remove one. They come off really hard till they are free from the surface of the track.
  15. justinator

    Performance Stud Stars

    2 studboy studs with prolite doublebacker weighs 73.3 grams and 2 studboy studs with 2 studstars weighs 73.5grams…… very light setup
  16. justinator

    Performance Stud Stars

    I will re-weigh them but I tried a prolite double with 2 studs vs 2 studstars and 2 studs and there is only a few grams difference. Theres 453 grams in a pound so really no measurable difference at the end of the day but Ill double check the weights to make sure.
  17. justinator

    Performance Stud Stars

    So far so good. They have a big surface area and alot of stud support. I think they will be very durable. Everything looks mint but only about 750miles on my sled and 500 on the wifes. As of right now I definitely would buy again.
  18. justinator

    Performance Stud Stars

    Both new riots have these. Seems cheapest place to get them is directly from them. Install is ridiculously quick, just keep a spray bottle of soapy water with you to spray the track before you tighten them down.
  19. justinator

    Orange flame going to finally ride again...for how long?

    If something happens to this engine too you need to burn it and send it back to hell or perform an exorcism at the very least lol, good luck!
  20. justinator

    ADAPT Clutch Set Up

    got some testing in this evening and tonight but its snowing and visibility is really poor and supposed to get 10-15" so will resume another time.. the factory helix is on the shelf and thats where it is staying, stock or tuned In my opinion its not the right choice for these sleds. Even with a...
