Max17 First lake run....painful.

So @jtmetal I am on our annual guys trip up to Bent’s Camp. Last couple of days we have put on 440 miles. Today I was finally able to open it up on Lake Gogebic. Again, my setup:

TD Max 17
TD 3” Stock Modified Muffler
Dalton Green Primary Spring
Dalton B/O Secondary 6/2
Dalton Weight 73 grams
RPM 9050
XS825 Belt
Closed Loop
Storm 1.5 with iGrips
21/41 gears

124 mph on Speedo before letting off. Felt like I may have had a couple more.

Super happy and lots of smiles today!
So @jtmetal I am on our annual guys trip up to Bent’s Camp. Last couple of days we have put on 440 miles. Today I was finally able to open it up on Lake Gogebic. Again, my setup:

TD Max 17
TD 3” Stock Modified Muffler
Dalton Green Primary Spring
Dalton B/O Secondary 6/2
Dalton Weight 73 grams
RPM 9050
XS825 Belt
Closed Loop
Storm 1.5 with iGrips
21/41 gears

124 mph on Speedo before letting off. Felt like I may have had a couple more.

Super happy and lots of smiles today!
Putz21, you are the man!!! That's all I'm asking for, Simple setup that runs the numbers. With a 1.5" track to boot. Any octane booster? I had to run 1oz to 10gals. No biggie.
The only thing I have different is primary spring & possibly a clogged up muffler. Lol.
You're officially a candidate for a 22t top gear. Lol. I'd probably leave it.
Btw..... Thanks for rubbing it in. Haha.
A member sent me a real muffler & hoping to run those same numbers. Again, super stoked for you!

Enjoy the rest of your trip......Joe
I did put in 1 oz of Octane Booster since our last fill up was a bit sketchy just to be safe.

All smiles as I am done touching anything…
I did put in 1 oz of Octane Booster since our last fill up was a bit sketchy just to be safe.

All smiles as I am done touching anything…
Honestly, that's a good idea.
You sound thankful & happy...

I checked on that Dalton spring and it has a very high finish rate which would take a little bit more weight to pull it down.
I'm not sure why but it seems like all Dalton springs have a higher finish rate than Yamaha springs?!?!
Thank you for sharing....
JT, regarding the dalton springs they are not measured exactly the same. for reference dalton measured the factory sidewinder spring at 57/115........yamaha specs state its a 55/105, so I used to knock about 10kg off the dalton finish rate to see what yamaha spring was comparable. The black green primary that putz is using is probably a 121kg or so finish using yamaha measurements. I used the dalton blue quite a bit and thats rated at 53/133 but found it very very similiar to the yamaha blue brown blue which is a 50/116 so subtracting 10kg off the dalton spring total force gives you a pretty good idea
I did buy a Yamaha boule/brown/blue spring to try as well. Not sure if I will get a chance to try with the arm weather coming. I don’t want to change the Spring on my trip, but either later this season or next, I would like to try.
JT, regarding the dalton springs they are not measured exactly the same. for reference dalton measured the factory sidewinder spring at 57/115........yamaha specs state its a 55/105, so I used to knock about 10kg off the dalton finish rate to see what yamaha spring was comparable. The black green primary that putz is using is probably a 121kg or so finish using yamaha measurements. I used the dalton blue quite a bit and thats rated at 53/133 but found it very very similiar to the yamaha blue brown blue which is a 50/116 so subtracting 10kg off the dalton spring total force gives you a pretty good idea
Yes, I remember you saying that in past posts. Didn't remember the exact details. Thank you for clarifying.
Question thou, other than using the spring to change engagement or to alter max rpm+/-, is there something else the primary spring does?
I kinda thought it was a tuning tool for above mentioned?!?!
Maybe I don't understand.
buy a spring tester and measure all your springs and then you will know where each one is and if one has taken a set or not.
or make your own tester
Maybe try a different wrap on the secondary?

I don’t recall what wrap I had it at, but I lost 5-6 mph on top with the B/O compared to my stock secondary spring at 3-3.
Oh wow....I totally forgot about this.
Thanks nymber1kyster
