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  1. 0

    good by guys

    yeah thanks guys I still love snowmobileing but what can i say life happens the last thing i want to do is start missing payments and end up screwing myself over but like cannondale27 said it is a bad time to sell i just hope one of my fellow TY brothers can help me out what realy sucks is if i...
  2. 0

    good by guys

    well the time has come i must sell my baby I cant make the payments anymore so I'm selling for what i still owe. its litsed in the Classifieds thanks to everone here for helping me with all my questions let me know if the price sounds fair as I'm not trying to make money on this deal just need...
  3. 0

    Top End On Your Phazer ?

    i see mid 90's on a 09 std with ulmers clutch kit
  4. 0

    stock can VS. aftermarket performance ?

    mine felt like it runs better with the stock pipe
  5. 0

    Ultra-Q pipe

    my super q broke in half in 400miles skinz pipes are junk my buddys 08 dragon 600rr did the same thing but his lasted a whole year
  6. 0

    phazer died

    i dont think mine has that yellow ground block it just has one big black wire that goes under the motor
  7. 0

    phazer died

    I'll check it out. the sleds still under warranty so its not a big deal but it is going to get into the 40's next week so i might be done for the year if this is not a simple fix
  8. 0

    phazer died

    ok but whare are all the fuses
  9. 0

    phazer died

    yeah thare is power at the bat and i played with the terminals on the bat to still nothing. i may have smelled melting plastic/wire when it shut down but it didnt last so i couldn't find it. oh btw its a 09 standerd with 2700miles
  10. 0

    phazer died

    well the first 2 hours of the ride today was good then out of no whare it just shuts off just like when you hit the kill switch no power to anything i played with all the wires on the battery side still nothing. any ideas on what i should check first? all i saw was one green fuse and that looked...
  11. 0

    Throttle response

    ulmer's kit helps alot in the slower speeds
  12. 0

    Electric: power to extra gauges, where?

    go to glowshift.com for gages enter winter11 for %10 off they sell a tee fitting that works great for the phaze its the smallest one thay have 28mm i think
  13. 0

    Electric: power to extra gauges, where?

    the 09 standerd does not come with the unused plug for acc btw
  14. 0

    Holy Snow Guys!

    we got 14 inches yesterday we have well over 2 feet everyware now :)
  15. 0

    Electric: power to extra gauges, where?

    I use the tail light wire for my temp gage
  16. 0

    Holy Snow Guys!

    expecting 12 to 18 tonight :jump:
  17. 0

    best bang for the buck

    yes ulmer clutch and 96 studs makes the phaze a hardpack trail master
  18. 0

    best bang for the buck

    umler clutch kit is best bang for your buck IMO
  19. 0

    Oil Filter Sandwich Adapter

    i know its tight but i thought someone said somthing about runing a longer filter so i thought maybe it would fit
