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phazer died

Jan 12, 2010
Montague MI
well the first 2 hours of the ride today was good then out of no whare it just shuts off just like when you hit the kill switch no power to anything i played with all the wires on the battery side still nothing. any ideas on what i should check first? all i saw was one green fuse and that looked ok. i would be very thankfull for any advice

I have had this happen to me with my AC. My stator had burnt out. Not sure how to check it but it should read 0.22 ~ 0.26 Ω at 20 °C (68 °F).

Just out of curiosity are you getting any power from the battery if you put a meter on it?
yeah thare is power at the bat and i played with the terminals on the bat to still nothing. i may have smelled melting plastic/wire when it shut down but it didnt last so i couldn't find it. oh btw its a 09 standerd with 2700miles
This is the same thng that happend to my old cat so it could be possible. I'm not sure where the plug is but someone could chime In. All you need to do is check the resistance on the stator. I think the wires you need to check are white and white?
From the service manual.

If someone can tell you the location of the plug it is a quick thing to check.


  • Stator.jpg
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Right next to the battery, just in front of it towards the sks (assuming its the same as an 07. I'd also check the common ground for a fault, the 07s has this issue so they needed a new harness, could be a longshot but its worth checking anyhow.
I'll check it out. the sleds still under warranty so its not a big deal but it is going to get into the 40's next week so i might be done for the year if this is not a simple fix
I had the same thing happen to my '07 GT two rides after having the yellow ground terminal block changed. The 20 amp ignition fuse would blow when changed. I think the mechanic may have pulled the wiring harness into a tight spot and with engine vibration, it just wore through and ground out on the frame. The dealer found a frayed/ broken wire under the airbox.
